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Citation Profile [Updated: 2025-02-04 18:53:44]
5 Years H Index
Impact Factor (IF)
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2014 0 0.67 0.03 0 73 73 50 2 2 0 0 1 50 2 0.03 0.34
IF: Two years Impact Factor: C2Y / D2Y
AIF: Average Impact Factor for all series in RePEc in year y
CIF: Cumulative impact factor
IF5: Five years Impact Factor: C5Y / D5Y
DOC: Number of documents published in year y
CDO: Cumulative number of documents published until year y
CIT: Number of citations to papers published in year y
NCI: Number of citations in year y
CCU: Cumulative number of citations to papers published until year y
D2Y: Number of articles published in y-1 plus y-2
C2Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
D5Y: Number of articles published in y-1 until y-5
C5Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 until y-5
SC: selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
%SC: Percentage of selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
CiY: Cites in year y to documents published in year y
II: Immediacy Index: CiY / Documents.
AII: Average Immediacy Index for series in RePEc in year y
50 most cited documents in this series
12014Undersea cables and landing stations around Africa: Policy and regulatory issues. (2014). Sutherland, Ewan . In: 25th European Regional ITS Conference, Brussels 2014. RePEc:zbw:itse14:101381.

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22014Impact of broadband speed on economic outputs: An empirical study of OECD countries. (2014). Kongaut, Chatchai ; Bohlin, Erik . In: 25th European Regional ITS Conference, Brussels 2014. RePEc:zbw:itse14:101415.

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32014Power and control strategies in online video services. (2014). Alves, Artur Pimenta ; GONALVES, Vania ; Evens, Tom ; Ballon, Pieter. In: 25th European Regional ITS Conference, Brussels 2014. RePEc:zbw:itse14:101438.

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42014Is there a level of competition intensity that maximizes investment in the mobile telecommunications industry?. (2014). Jeanjean, François ; HOUNGBONON, Georges Vivien. In: 25th European Regional ITS Conference, Brussels 2014. RePEc:zbw:itse14:101384.

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52014Is network sharing changing the role of mobile network operators?. (2014). Molleryd, Bengt G. ; Sundquist, Mrten ; Markendahl, Jan . In: 25th European Regional ITS Conference, Brussels 2014. RePEc:zbw:itse14:101392.

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62014Cooperative service provisioning with OTT players: An explorative analysis of telecommunication business models. (2014). Limbach, Felix . In: 25th European Regional ITS Conference, Brussels 2014. RePEc:zbw:itse14:101388.

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72014Coexistence of copper and fiber unbundling: Access charges and investment incentives. (2014). Varoutas, Dimitris ; Tselekounis, Markos ; Orfanou, Georgia . In: 25th European Regional ITS Conference, Brussels 2014. RePEc:zbw:itse14:101400.

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82014The rise of OTT players: What is the appropriate regulatory response?. (2014). Hessler, Markus A. ; Baldry, Shirley ; Steingrover, Markus . In: 25th European Regional ITS Conference, Brussels 2014. RePEc:zbw:itse14:101398.

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92014Small cells and the mobile broadband ecosystem. (2014). Lehr, William ; Oliver, Miquel . In: 25th European Regional ITS Conference, Brussels 2014. RePEc:zbw:itse14:101406.

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102014The impact of tariff diversity on broadband diffusion: An empirical analysis. (2014). Lange, Mirjam ; Haucap, Justus ; Lange, Mirjam R. J., ; Heimeshoff, Ulrich. In: 25th European Regional ITS Conference, Brussels 2014. RePEc:zbw:itse14:101403.

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112014Luxembourg a bastion of state ownership. (2014). Whalley, Jason ; Binsfeld, Nico ; Pugalis, Lee. In: 25th European Regional ITS Conference, Brussels 2014. RePEc:zbw:itse14:101425.

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122014How Nokia failed to nail the Smartphone market. (2014). Sell, Anna ; Nikou, Shahrokh ; Walden, Pirkko ; Carlsson, Joanna ; Bouwman, Harry. In: 25th European Regional ITS Conference, Brussels 2014. RePEc:zbw:itse14:101414.

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132014Role of ICT in the innovation process based on firm-level evidence from four ASEAN economies: An SEM approach. (2014). Ueki, Yasushi ; Idota, Hiroki ; Bunno, Teruyuki ; Shinohara, Sobee ; Tsuji, Masatsugu. In: 25th European Regional ITS Conference, Brussels 2014. RePEc:zbw:itse14:101397.

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142014Consumer complaint behavior in telecommunications: The case of mobile phone users in Spain. (2014). perez-amaral, teodosio ; GARÍN-MUÑOZ, TERESA ; Gijon, Covadonga ; Garin-Muoz, Teresa ; Lopez, Rafael. In: 25th European Regional ITS Conference, Brussels 2014. RePEc:zbw:itse14:101444.

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152014How Google and others upset competition analysis: disruptive innovation and European competition law. (2014). Graef, Inge ; Wahyuningtyas, Sih Yuliana ; Valcke, Peggy . In: 25th European Regional ITS Conference, Brussels 2014. RePEc:zbw:itse14:101378.

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162014The future of telecom regulation: The case of Denmark. (2014). Henten, Anders ; Falch, Morten . In: 25th European Regional ITS Conference, Brussels 2014. RePEc:zbw:itse14:101404.

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172014Political stability, regulation and investment in the African mobile markets. (2014). Moshi, Goodiel ; Mitomo, Hitoshi. In: 25th European Regional ITS Conference, Brussels 2014. RePEc:zbw:itse14:101430.

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182014General purpose technologies: A survey, a critique and future research directions. (2014). Sadowski, Bert ; Bashir, Sadaf . In: 25th European Regional ITS Conference, Brussels 2014. RePEc:zbw:itse14:101443.

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192014How IoT, AAI can contribute to smart home and smart cities services: The role of innovation. (2014). Henten, Anders ; Lynggaard, Per ; Skouby, Knud Erik ; Windekilde, Iwona . In: 25th European Regional ITS Conference, Brussels 2014. RePEc:zbw:itse14:101421.

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202014A comparative case study of regulatory approaches in the US and Korea. (2014). Shin, Dong Hee ; Kim, Namchul ; Jeong, Jaeyeol ; Lee, Jaegil ; Yoon, Hongsuk . In: 25th European Regional ITS Conference, Brussels 2014. RePEc:zbw:itse14:101408.

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212014Preferences in data usage and the relation to the use of mobile applications. (2014). Bouwman, Harry ; de Reuver, Mark. In: 25th European Regional ITS Conference, Brussels 2014. RePEc:zbw:itse14:101437.

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222014Competition for access provision: Infrastructure upgrades with spillovers. (2014). Mizuno, Keizo ; Matsushima, Noriaki. In: 25th European Regional ITS Conference, Brussels 2014. RePEc:zbw:itse14:101419.

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232014Myanmar national spectrum management policy: Is it best practice?. (2014). Fife, Elizabeth ; Min, Thaw Tar ; Bohlin, Erik . In: 25th European Regional ITS Conference, Brussels 2014. RePEc:zbw:itse14:101431.

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242014The impact of local loop unbundling revisited. (2014). Klein, Gordon ; Wendel, Julia . In: 25th European Regional ITS Conference, Brussels 2014. RePEc:zbw:itse14:101416.

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50 most relevant documents in this series (papers most cited in the last two years)
12014Power and control strategies in online video services. (2014). Alves, Artur Pimenta ; GONALVES, Vania ; Evens, Tom ; Ballon, Pieter. In: 25th European Regional ITS Conference, Brussels 2014. RePEc:zbw:itse14:101438.

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22014Is network sharing changing the role of mobile network operators?. (2014). Molleryd, Bengt G. ; Sundquist, Mrten ; Markendahl, Jan . In: 25th European Regional ITS Conference, Brussels 2014. RePEc:zbw:itse14:101392.

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