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Citation Profile [Updated: 2025-02-04 18:53:44]
5 Years H Index
Impact Factor (IF)
5 Years IF
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2020 0 0.69 0.03 0 65 65 27 2 2 0 0 0 2 0.03 0.73
2021 0.25 0.94 0.54 0.25 4 69 0 37 39 65 16 65 16 0 0 0.39
IF: Two years Impact Factor: C2Y / D2Y
AIF: Average Impact Factor for all series in RePEc in year y
CIF: Cumulative impact factor
IF5: Five years Impact Factor: C5Y / D5Y
DOC: Number of documents published in year y
CDO: Cumulative number of documents published until year y
CIT: Number of citations to papers published in year y
NCI: Number of citations in year y
CCU: Cumulative number of citations to papers published until year y
D2Y: Number of articles published in y-1 plus y-2
C2Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
D5Y: Number of articles published in y-1 until y-5
C5Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 until y-5
SC: selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
%SC: Percentage of selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
CiY: Cites in year y to documents published in year y
II: Immediacy Index: CiY / Documents.
AII: Average Immediacy Index for series in RePEc in year y
50 most cited documents in this series
12020Assessing the impacts of COVID-19 on Myanmar’s economy: A Social Accounting Matrix (SAM) multiplier approach. (2020). Thurlow, James ; Nyunt, Khin Maung ; Zone, Phoo Pye ; Yi, Wuit ; Aung, Nilar ; Diao, Xinshen. In: Myanmar SSP policy notes. RePEc:fpr:myanpn:5.

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22020Strengthening smallholder agriculture is essential to defend food and nutrition security and rural livelihoods in Myanmar against the COVID-19 threat: Elements for a proactive response. (2020). Lambrecht, Isabel ; Headey, Derek ; Mather, David ; Goeb, Joey ; Boughton, Duncan. In: Myanmar SSP policy notes. RePEc:fpr:myanpn:2.

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32020Assessing the impact on household incomes and poverty of declines in remittances due to COVID-19. (2020). Mahrt, Kristi ; Diao, Xinshen. In: Myanmar SSP policy notes. RePEc:fpr:myanpn:6.

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42020Assessing the impacts of COVID-19 on Myanmar’s economy: A Social Accounting Matrix (SAM) multiplier approach [in Burmese]. (2020). Thurlow, James ; Nyunt, Khin Maung ; Zone, Phoo Pye ; Yi, Wuit ; Aung, Nilar ; Diao, Xinshen. In: Myanmar SSP policy notes. RePEc:fpr:myanpn:burmese5.

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52020Monitoring the impact of COVID-19 in Myanmar: Agricultural commodity traders - May 2020 survey round. (2020). Boughton, Duncan ; Kham, Nang Lun ; Zu, Myint A ; Maredia, Mywish K ; Goeb, Joseph. In: Myanmar SSP policy notes. RePEc:fpr:myanpn:10.

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62020Monitoring the impact of COVID-19 in Myanmar: Agricultural commodity traders - Synopsis of results from three survey rounds through early August 2020. (2020). Maredia, Mywish ; Zu, Myint A ; Goeb, Joseph ; Boughton, Duncan ; Kham, Nang Lun ; Zone, Phoo Pye. In: Myanmar SSP policy notes. RePEc:fpr:myanpn:32.

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72020Monitoring the impact of COVID-19 in Myanmar: Agricultural production and rural livelihoods in two irrigation schemes – October 2020 survey round [in Burmese]. (2020). Wang, Michael ; Zu, Myint A ; Ei, Hnin ; Aung, Zin Wai ; Mahrt, Kristi ; Ragasa, Catherine ; Lambrecht, Isabel. In: Myanmar SSP policy notes. RePEc:fpr:myanpn:burmese36.

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82020Monitoring the impact of COVID-19 in Myanmar: Agricultural production and rural livelihoods in two irrigation schemes – October 2020 survey round. (2020). Wang, Michael ; Zu, Myint A ; Ei, Hnin ; Aung, Zin Wai ; Mahrt, Kristi ; Ragasa, Catherine ; Lambrecht, Isabel. In: Myanmar SSP policy notes. RePEc:fpr:myanpn:36.

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92020Monitoring the impact of COVID-19 in Myanmar: Agricultural production and rural livelihoods in two irrigation schemes - August 2020 survey round [in Burmese]. (2020). Mahrt, Kristi ; Ragasa, Catherine ; Lambrecht, Isabel ; Wang, Michael ; Aung, Zin Wai. In: Myanmar SSP policy notes. RePEc:fpr:myanpn:burmese33.

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102020Monitoring the Impact of COVID-19 in Myanmar: Agricultural production and rural livelihoods in two irrigation schemes - June 2020 survey round [in Burmese]. (2020). Ragasa, Catherine ; Mahrt, Kristi ; Lambrecht, Isabel ; Wang, Michael ; Aung, Zin Wai. In: Myanmar SSP policy notes. RePEc:fpr:myanpn:burmese20.

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112020Monitoring the Impact of COVID-19 in Myanmar: Agricultural production and rural livelihoods in two irrigation schemes - June 2020 survey round. (2020). Wang, Michael ; Aung, Zin Wai ; Mahrt, Kristi ; Ragasa, Catherine ; Lambrecht, Isabel. In: Myanmar SSP policy notes. RePEc:fpr:myanpn:20.

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122020Monitoring the impact of COVID-19 in Myanmar: Agricultural production and rural livelihoods in two irrigation schemes - August 2020 survey round. (2020). Mahrt, Kristi ; Ragasa, Catherine ; Lambrecht, Isabel ; Wang, Michael ; Aung, Zin Wai. In: Myanmar SSP policy notes. RePEc:fpr:myanpn:33.

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132020Monitoring the impact of COVID-19 in Myanmar: Agricultural equipment retailers - November 2020 survey round [in Burmese]. (2020). Takeshima, Hiroyuki ; Masias, Ian ; Zone, Phoo Pye. In: Myanmar SSP policy notes. RePEc:fpr:myanpn:burmese38.

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142020Monitoring the impact of COVID-19 in Myanmar: Agricultural equipment retailers. (2020). Takeshima, Hiroyuki ; Masias, Ian ; Win, Myat Thida. In: Myanmar SSP policy notes. RePEc:fpr:myanpn:9.

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152020Monitoring the impact of COVID-19 in Myanmar: Yangon peri-urban poultry farmers - Early July 2020 survey round. (2020). Zhang, Xiaobo ; Win, Khin Zin ; Ei, Hnin ; Belton, Ben ; Fang, Peixun. In: Myanmar SSP policy notes. RePEc:fpr:myanpn:19.

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162020Monitoring the impact of COVID-19 in Myanmar: Agricultural equipment retailers - November 2020 survey round. (2020). Takeshima, Hiroyuki ; Masias, Ian ; Zone, Phoo Pye. In: Myanmar SSP policy notes. RePEc:fpr:myanpn:38.

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172020Monitoring the impact of COVID-19 in Myanmar: Yangon peri-urban poultry farmers - August 2020 survey round. (2020). Zhang, Xiaobo ; Ei, Hnin ; Belton, Ben ; Fang, Peixun. In: Myanmar SSP policy notes. RePEc:fpr:myanpn:28.

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182020Monitoring the impact of COVID-19 in Myanmar: Agricultural input retailers. (2020). Maredia, Mywish ; Boughton, Duncan ; Goeb, Joseph . In: Myanmar SSP policy notes. RePEc:fpr:myanpn:8.

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192020Monitoring the impact of COVID-19 in Myanmar: Agricultural equipment retailers - July 2020 survey round. (2020). Takeshima, Hiroyuki ; Masias, Ian ; Win, Myat Thida. In: Myanmar SSP policy notes. RePEc:fpr:myanpn:18.

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202020Poverty and food insecurity during COVID-19: Evidence from the COVID-19 Rural and Urban Food Security Survey (RUFSS) - June and July 2020 round. (2020). Oo, Than Zaw ; Lambrecht, Isabel ; Goudet, Sophie ; Headey, Derek D ; Toth, Russell ; Field, Erica ; Maffioli, Elisa Maria. In: Myanmar SSP policy notes. RePEc:fpr:myanpn:27.

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212020Monitoring the impact of COVID-19 in Myanmar: Agricultural equipment retailers [in Burmese]. (2020). Takeshima, Hiroyuki ; Masias, Ian ; Win, Myat Thida. In: Myanmar SSP policy notes. RePEc:fpr:myanpn:burmese9.

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222020Monitoring the impact of COVID-19 in Myanmar: Agricultural equipment retailers - June 2020 survey round. (2020). Takeshima, Hiroyuki ; Masias, Ian ; Win, Myat Thida. In: Myanmar SSP policy notes. RePEc:fpr:myanpn:16.

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232020Poverty, food insecurity, and social protection during COVID-19 in Myanmar: Combined evidence from a household telephone survey and micro-simulations. (2020). Mahrt, Kristi ; Oo, Than Zaw ; Headey, Derek D ; Lambrecht, Isabel ; Goudet, Sophie ; Diao, Xinshen. In: Myanmar SSP policy notes. RePEc:fpr:myanpn:35.

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242020Monitoring the impact of COVID-19 in Myanmar: Yangon peri-urban poultry farmers. (2020). Zhang, Xiaobo ; Win, Khin Zin ; Ei, Hnin ; Belton, Ben ; Fang, Peixun. In: Myanmar SSP policy notes. RePEc:fpr:myanpn:11.

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252020Monitoring the impact of COVID-19 in Myanmar: Agricultural equipment retailers - July 2020 survey round [in Burmese]. (2020). Takeshima, Hiroyuki ; Masias, Ian ; Win, Myat Thida. In: Myanmar SSP policy notes. RePEc:fpr:myanpn:burmese18.

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262020A gender-transformative response to COVID-19 in Myanmar. (2020). Lambrecht, Isabel ; Ei, Hnin ; Wang, Michael ; Ragasa, Catherine ; Mahrt, Kristi ; Win, Khin Zin. In: Myanmar SSP policy notes. RePEc:fpr:myanpn:4.

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50 most relevant documents in this series (papers most cited in the last two years)
12020Assessing the impact on household incomes and poverty of declines in remittances due to COVID-19. (2020). Mahrt, Kristi ; Diao, Xinshen. In: Myanmar SSP policy notes. RePEc:fpr:myanpn:6.

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Citing documents used to compute impact factor:
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