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Citation Profile [Updated: 2025-02-04 18:53:44]
5 Years H Index
Impact Factor (IF)
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2015 0 0.65 0.04 0 52 52 86 2 3 0 0 0 2 0.04 0.36
IF: Two years Impact Factor: C2Y / D2Y
AIF: Average Impact Factor for all series in RePEc in year y
CIF: Cumulative impact factor
IF5: Five years Impact Factor: C5Y / D5Y
DOC: Number of documents published in year y
CDO: Cumulative number of documents published until year y
CIT: Number of citations to papers published in year y
NCI: Number of citations in year y
CCU: Cumulative number of citations to papers published until year y
D2Y: Number of articles published in y-1 plus y-2
C2Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
D5Y: Number of articles published in y-1 until y-5
C5Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 until y-5
SC: selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
%SC: Percentage of selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
CiY: Cites in year y to documents published in year y
II: Immediacy Index: CiY / Documents.
AII: Average Immediacy Index for series in RePEc in year y
50 most cited documents in this series
12015Energy poverty in the UK: Is there a difference between rural and urban areas?. (2015). Vera-Toscano, Esperanza ; Phimister, Euan ; Roberts, Deborah. In: 89th Annual Conference, April 13-15, 2015, Warwick University, Coventry, UK. RePEc:ags:aesc15:204213.

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22015One Man’s Meat…. 2050? Ruminations on future meat demand in the context of global warming.. (2015). Revell, Brian J.. In: 89th Annual Conference, April 13-15, 2015, Warwick University, Coventry, UK. RePEc:ags:aesc15:204205.

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32015Boserup versus Malthus: does population pressure drive agricultural intensification? Evidence from Burundi. (2015). Desiere, Sam ; D'Haese, Marijke. In: 89th Annual Conference, April 13-15, 2015, Warwick University, Coventry, UK. RePEc:ags:aesc15:204296.

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42015Movers and Stayers in the Farming Sector: Accounting for Unobserved Heterogeneity in Structural Change. (2015). Saint-Cyr, Legrand ; Piet, Laurent ; Saint-Cyr, Legrand D. F., . In: 89th Annual Conference, April 13-15, 2015, Warwick University, Coventry, UK. RePEc:ags:aesc15:204234.

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52042Nudges, Social Norms and Permanence in Agri-Environmental Schemes. (2042). Thoyer, Sophie ; Préget, Raphaële ; LE COENT, Philippe ; Kuhfuss, Laure ; Hanley, Nick ; Preget, R. ; Desole, M.. In: 89th Annual Conference, April 13-15, 2015, Warwick University, Coventry, UK. RePEc:ags:aesc15:204233.

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62015On the Relationship between Lifestyle and Happiness in the UK. (2015). Kambhampati, Uma ; Jewell, Sarah ; Gschwandtner, Adelina. In: 89th Annual Conference, April 13-15, 2015, Warwick University, Coventry, UK. RePEc:ags:aesc15:204199.

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72015Innovation and Member Commitment in Agricultural Cooperatives. (2015). Duvaleix-Tréguer, Sabine ; Beaugrand, Florence ; Duvaleix-Treguer, Sabine ; Bareille, Francois . In: 89th Annual Conference, April 13-15, 2015, Warwick University, Coventry, UK. RePEc:ags:aesc15:204217.

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82015The influence of group identity on farmer’s decision making: an experimental economics approach on a family farming case in Costa Rica. (2015). Saenz-Segura, Fernando ; Schipper, Robert A. ; Handgraaf, Michel ; Schickramm, Lena. In: 89th Annual Conference, April 13-15, 2015, Warwick University, Coventry, UK. RePEc:ags:aesc15:204235.

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92015Quality upgrading in the European-Union agri-food exports. (2015). Fertő, Imre ; Ferto, Imre ; Bojnec, Stefan. In: 89th Annual Conference, April 13-15, 2015, Warwick University, Coventry, UK. RePEc:ags:aesc15:204225.

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102015Water Quality Assessment SAM/CGE and Satellite Accounts Integrated Framework. (2015). Ferrari, Emanuele ; Osman, Rehab ; McDonald, Scott. In: 89th Annual Conference, April 13-15, 2015, Warwick University, Coventry, UK. RePEc:ags:aesc15:204291.

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112015Demand for Diverse Diets: Evidence from Nigeria. (2015). Akerele, Dare ; Odeiyi, Kehinde . In: 89th Annual Conference, April 13-15, 2015, Warwick University, Coventry, UK. RePEc:ags:aesc15:204210.

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122015Potential Impacts of Drought Tolerant Maize: New Evidence from Farm-trials in Eastern and Southern Africa. (2015). Kostandini, Genti ; Erenstein, Olaf ; Menkir, Abebe ; Gou, Zhe ; Abdoulaye, Tahirou ; Setimela, Peter ; Sonder, Kai . In: 89th Annual Conference, April 13-15, 2015, Warwick University, Coventry, UK. RePEc:ags:aesc15:204219.

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132015The Happy Farmer: The Effect Of Non-Pecuniary Benefits On Farmers’ Behavior. (2015). Howley, Peter. In: 89th Annual Conference, April 13-15, 2015, Warwick University, Coventry, UK. RePEc:ags:aesc15:204289.

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142015Debt and farm performance. (2015). Langton, Steve . In: 89th Annual Conference, April 13-15, 2015, Warwick University, Coventry, UK. RePEc:ags:aesc15:204299.

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152015Can Smallholder Fruit and Vegetable Production Systems Improve Household Food Security and Nutritional Status of Women?. (2015). Kabunga, Nassul ; Griffiths, Jeffrey K ; Ghosh, Shibani . In: 89th Annual Conference, April 13-15, 2015, Warwick University, Coventry, UK. RePEc:ags:aesc15:204285.

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162015Post EU Nitrates Directive implementation: an examination of the sustainable use of phosphorus in milk production. (2015). O'Neill, Stephen ; Moran, Brian ; Murphy, Paul N. C., ; Wall, David P. ; Buckley, Cathal. In: 89th Annual Conference, April 13-15, 2015, Warwick University, Coventry, UK. RePEc:ags:aesc15:204207.

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172015Green Economy-A Panacea for the Devastating Effects of Climate Change on Agricultural Productivity in Southeast Nigeria. (2015). Asiabaka, C. C. ; Nwaiwu, I. O. U., ; Ohajianya, D. O.. In: 89th Annual Conference, April 13-15, 2015, Warwick University, Coventry, UK. RePEc:ags:aesc15:204226.

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182015Consumer attitudes towards attributes of food and the use of digital media and smart technologies to inform and purchase food. (2015). Sanders, C. M. ; Tait, P. R. ; Daziel, P. C. ; Guenther, M.. In: 89th Annual Conference, April 13-15, 2015, Warwick University, Coventry, UK. RePEc:ags:aesc15:204206.

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192015Water Quality Assessment SAM/CGE and Satellite Accounts Integrated Framework-Egypt. (2015). Ferrari, Emanuele ; Osman, Rehab ; McDonald, Scott. In: 89th Annual Conference, April 13-15, 2015, Warwick University, Coventry, UK. RePEc:ags:aesc15:204292.

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202015Policy options for GHG mitigation under autarky: a conceptual and empirical analysis for Norway. (2015). Blandford, David ; Hassapoyannes, Katharina ; Gaasland, Ivar ; Vardal, Erling . In: 89th Annual Conference, April 13-15, 2015, Warwick University, Coventry, UK. RePEc:ags:aesc15:204211.

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212015Common Shocks, Uncommon Effects: Food Price Inflation across the EU. (2015). Lloyd, Tim ; Zvogu, Evious ; Morgan, Wyn ; McCorriston, Steve. In: 89th Annual Conference, April 13-15, 2015, Warwick University, Coventry, UK. RePEc:ags:aesc15:204301.

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222015On Smallholder Farmers Exposure to Risk and Adaptation Mechanisms: Panel Data Evidence from Ethiopia. (2015). Ayenew, Habtamu ; Abate-Kassa, Getachew ; Sauer, Johannes. In: 89th Annual Conference, April 13-15, 2015, Warwick University, Coventry, UK. RePEc:ags:aesc15:204223.

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232015Market size and innovation: An application to the French seed market for large crops. (2015). Lemarié, Stéphane ; Dridi, Chokri ; Charlot, Sylvie ; Lemarie, Stephane. In: 89th Annual Conference, April 13-15, 2015, Warwick University, Coventry, UK. RePEc:ags:aesc15:204300.

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242015The Field: Land mobility measures as seen through the eyes of Irish farmers. (2015). Renwick, Alan ; Duesberg, Stefanie ; Bogue, Pat ; Keane, Mark ; Banovic, Marija . In: 89th Annual Conference, April 13-15, 2015, Warwick University, Coventry, UK. RePEc:ags:aesc15:204200.

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252015UK Public Health Responsibility Deals – can they nudge consumers towards healthier diets?. (2015). Srinivasan, Chittur. In: 89th Annual Conference, April 13-15, 2015, Warwick University, Coventry, UK. RePEc:ags:aesc15:204208.

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262015The Direct Impact of Risk Management Tools on Farm Income: The Case of Irelands Spring Barley Producers. (2015). Loughrey, Jason ; Thorne, Fiona ; Hennessy, Thia. In: 89th Annual Conference, April 13-15, 2015, Warwick University, Coventry, UK. RePEc:ags:aesc15:204228.

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50 most relevant documents in this series (papers most cited in the last two years)
12015Energy poverty in the UK: Is there a difference between rural and urban areas?. (2015). Vera-Toscano, Esperanza ; Phimister, Euan ; Roberts, Deborah. In: 89th Annual Conference, April 13-15, 2015, Warwick University, Coventry, UK. RePEc:ags:aesc15:204213.

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