Author citation profiles: Wiener Institut für Internationale Wirtschaftsvergleiche (WIIW)

In this list are included authors with h-index greather than 3.
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Authorh-indexPapersCitesSelf citesCites year
Vasily I. Astrov61941757.41% 3
Alexandra Bykova353452.17% 0
Mahdi Ghodsi77621411.57% 17
Richard Grieveson555727.69% 1
Francesca Guadagno38160% 1
Doris Hanzl-Weiß51101295.84% 2
Philipp Heimberger10783748.78% 6
Eduard Hochreiter9311886.47% 5
Mario Holzner81534126.79% 18
Gabor Hunya81393354.56% 6
Stefan Jestl433555.17% 6
Branimir Jovanovic567866.52% 1
Artem Kochnev318289.68% 4
Michael Landesmann161798614.97% 15
Sandra M. Leitner7671676.7% 3
Sebastian Leitner61021643.53% 3
Olga Pindyuk61025341.29% 9
Leon Podkaminer61632038.14% 3
Josef Poeschl458530% 1
Oliver Reiter54012010.45% 13
Sandor Richter51241307.14% 2
Roman Römisch378537.02% 2
Bernhard Schütz10453985.01% 33
Isilda Mara68013411.84% 2
Robert Stehrer2525845402.39% 162
Roman Stöllinger10832876.21% 12
Maryna Tverdostup539832.35% 1
Waltraut Urban436472.08% 2
Nina Vujanovic3194214.29% 0
Stella Sophie Zilian39247.69% 3

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