Author citation profiles: Österreichisches Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung (WIFO)

In this list are included authors with h-index greather than 3.
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Authorh-indexPapersCitesSelf citesCites year
Julia Bachtrögler6641268.7% 12
Josef Baumgartner101264009.09% 14
Juergen Bierbaumer-Polly5671082.7% 7
Benjamin Bittschi544517.27% 5
Julia Bock-Schappelwein914635710.3% 16
Fritz Breuss132057376.23% 15
Elisabeth M. Christen7481478.7% 10
Stefan Ederer91544613.56% 27
Ulrike Famira-Mühlberger8841849.8% 7
Gabriel J Felbermayr3326543893.79% 182
Marian Fink58212211.59% 8
Klaus Sylvester Friesenbichler1014331912.36% 16
Christian Glocker8322776.1% 21
Heinz Handler7931573.09% 2
Franz Rudolf Hahn713018810.48% 5
Werner Hölzl1422510047.38% 41
Gerard Thomas Horvath71442625.07% 18
Peter Huber163119995.13% 34
Jürgen Janger91034235.79% 21
Serguei Kaniovski121455187.33% 20
Claudia Kettner9972729.93% 15
Agnes Kügler810415220.42% 11
Michael Klien81742369.23% 15
Angela Köppl817931910.14% 10
Thomas Leoni91154013.61% 22
Simon Loretz13527072.48% 37
Peter Mayerhofer91613516.15% 10
Ina Meyer6741668.79% 9
Birgit Elisabeth Meyer5392285% 14
Asjad Naqvi7322184.39% 11
Michael Peneder2115913064.74% 39
Philipp Piribauer9631855.13% 18
Hans Pitlik131337575.61% 31
Peter Reschenhofer8301312.24% 11
Silvia Rocha-Akis9612298.76% 12
Stephan Schulmeister91303868.31% 7
Marcus Scheiblecker52071943.96% 7
Margit Schratzenstaller924849312.28% 19
Stefan Schiman4142899.18% 7
Franz Sinabell918532911.56% 12
Sandra Bilek-Steindl51147714.44% 4
Gerhard Streicher111876353.79% 25
Yvonne Anna Wolfmayr111043633.97% 11
Michael Wueger61071605.88% 4

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