Author citation profiles: Johannes-Kepler-Universität Linz. Institut für Volkswirtschaftslehre

In this list are included authors with h-index greather than 3.
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Authorh-indexPapersCitesSelf citesCites year
Alexander Ahammer8261759.79% 19
Rainer Bartel3102013.04% 1
René Böheim15948455.38% 30
Johann Brunner9312509.09% 7
Matthias Fahn5299723.02% 8
Wolfgang Frimmel81714511.59% 9
Ulrich Glogowsky618735.19% 6
Jochen Güntner8261863.13% 12
Dominik Grübl44490% 12
Ines Helm5101910.52% 19
Michael Irlacher5208016.67% 7
Mario Lackner8331747.94% 11
Karin Mayr-Dorn11334191.41% 19
Johannes Muthers3104412% 3
Martin Obradovits3172923.68% 2
Dieter Pennerstorfer8712728.11% 11
David Pichler381750% 43
Anja Prummer6191356.25% 13
friedrich georg schneider46396112382.27% 224
Daniel Schäfer5134817.24% 6
Doris Weichselbaumer12269353.81% 38
Martina Zweimüller11153562.2% 23

CitEc is a RePEc service, providing citation data for Economics since 2001. Last updated February, 4 2025. Contact: CitEc Team