Author citation profiles: Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). Sloan School of Management

In this list are included authors with h-index greather than 3.
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Authorh-indexPapersCitesSelf citesCites year
Alessandro Bonatti15346724.27% 32
Christian Catalini10119190.54% 131
Dean Eckles561442.7% 20
João Granja563180.63% 28
Daniel Greenwald9124220.94% 35
Christopher R. Knittel308735611.41% 127
Donald Roy Lessard9514600.65% 10
Andrew W. Lo37117101460.63% 267
Deborah Lucas196127300.44% 55
Alexey Makarin6123650.82% 45
robert c. merton3578218610.13% 412
Jonathan A. Parker247353850.7% 168
Robert S. Pindyck45105136150.5% 261
John Matthew Reilly2814322593.05% 55
Matthew Rhodes-Kropf152413621.16% 59
Antoinette Schoar326967930.37% 308
Lawrence David Warren Schmidt9223461.14% 24
Anna Stansbury5101770% 25
Andrew Gordon Sutherland7161977.94% 28
david thesmar318844730.64% 186
Catherine Tucker236420461.45% 113
Emil Verner7197291.09% 81
birger wernerfelt247435990.5% 94
Juanjuan Zhang12178680.8% 54

CitEc is a RePEc service, providing citation data for Economics since 2001. Last updated February, 4 2025. Contact: CitEc Team