Author citation profiles: Georgia Institute of Technology. School of Economics

In this list are included authors with h-index greather than 3.
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Authorh-indexPapersCitesSelf citesCites year
Willie J Belton519854.49% 3
Tibor Besedes143210912.33% 51
Whitney Buser33250% 2
Daniel Dench7161017.34% 9
Shatakshee Dhongde8231458.81% 7
Robert M. Gonzalez491000.99% 14
Robert Isaac Harris34180% 3
Haizheng Li13358602.6% 37
Jason M. Lindo173212741.85% 70
Patrick McCarthy9452812.43% 6
Matthew E. Oliver6141005.66% 11
Zhentao Shi5152463.15% 16
Olga Shemyakina10156481.07% 49
Laura O. Taylor214419581.06% 69
Casey J. Wichman8247122.06% 64
karen x. yan38190% 3

CitEc is a RePEc service, providing citation data for Economics since 2001. Last updated February, 4 2025. Contact: CitEc Team