Author citation profiles: Deakin University. Business School

In this list are included authors with h-index greather than 3.
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Authorh-indexPapersCitesSelf citesCites year
Omar HMN Bashar5151421.39% 10
Prasad Sankar Bhattacharya7261313.68% 6
Francesco Carli3131715% 1
Luca Colombo7201495.1% 7
Bill Dimovski5337613.64% 4
Chris Doucouliagos3212542121.52% 131
Romain Gauriot6161124.27% 11
Umair Khalil517492% 7
Andrea La Nauze6151171.68% 9
Debdulal Mallick10454245.15% 23
Mark McGillivray238616022.85% 47
Munirul Haque Nabin522937% 5
Xuan Nguyen7271777.81% 10
Aaron Nicholas621823.53% 5
Cong S. Pham8206261.11% 39
Hemant K Pullabhotla526872.25% 6
Shuddhasattwa Rafiq153110681.39% 71
Helen Scarborough6251463.31% 9
Pasquale M Sgro11784774.22% 9
Yves Sprumont177713783.3% 43
T. D. Stanley257742251.05% 108
Ching-jen Sun621670% 3
Xueli Tang6291159.45% 6
Mehmet Ali Ulubasoglu13598091.82% 33
Aydogan Ulker9252551.54% 13
Samarth Vaidya5132123.2% 11
Ha Thi Hong Vu416759.64% 3

CitEc is a RePEc service, providing citation data for Economics since 2001. Last updated February, 4 2025. Contact: CitEc Team