Author citation profiles: Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia. Research Department

In this list are included authors with h-index greather than 3.
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Authorh-indexPapersCitesSelf citesCites year
Enghin Atalay102311390.7% 71
Mitchell Berlin10417322.01% 22
Michael D. Boldin8152150% 8
Satyajit Chatterjee239125051.92% 71
Pablo N. D'Erasmo12346182.68% 41
Thorsten Drautzburg9244173.92% 26
Burcu Eyigungor9296101.77% 38
Simon Freyaldenhoven481981.98% 24
Shigeru Fujita174012451.74% 62
wenli li13697663.04% 28
Igor Livshits10326012.59% 27
Jeffrey Lin122710001.77% 45
Leonard I. Nakamura17999315.29% 20
Makoto Nakajima143512731.7% 63
Daniel R. Sanches10286191.75% 38
Christopher Severen6141380% 13
Minchul Shin10283813.3% 34
Bryan Andrew Stuart8231943.48% 13
James Vickery215319251.64% 74
Edison G Yu6191561.89% 14

CitEc is a RePEc service, providing citation data for Economics since 2001. Last updated February, 4 2025. Contact: CitEc Team