Author citation profiles: Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago. Economic Research Department

In this list are included authors with h-index greather than 3.
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Authorh-indexPapersCitesSelf citesCites year
Fernando Arce35464.17% 9
Benjamin Remy Chabot6161213.2% 8
Joel David7173573.77% 32
Stefania D'Amico10329470.94% 45
Douglas Darrell Evanoff188011242.43% 33
Jason Faberman143814711.93% 70
Daniel Aaron Hartley9386012.75% 42
Ezra Karger4181184.84% 29
Hyunseob Kim7176130.81% 38
Thomas H. Klier12927193.88% 21
Spencer D. Krane8194821.23% 12
Richard Mattoon342330% 1
Leslie Moscow McGranahan8382123.64% 8
Anna Paulson13497880.63% 31
Shanthi Ramnath8242170.46% 10
Enrichetta Ravina6123750% 20
Ellen R Rissman10202892.03% 11
Richard Rosen166412961.37% 33
William Anthony Testa4971167.2% 3
Marcelo Luis Veracierto11317562.83% 29
Francois Velde13535183.18% 15
Thomas Walstrum310450% 5
Nicolas Werquin7122823.75% 31
Jing Zhang154612943.5% 71

CitEc is a RePEc service, providing citation data for Economics since 2001. Last updated February, 4 2025. Contact: CitEc Team