Author citation profiles: Uppsala Universitet. Nationalekonomiska Institutionen

In this list are included authors with h-index greather than 3.
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Authorh-indexPapersCitesSelf citesCites year
Ola Andersson10395724.51% 28
Mikael Bask76318615.07% 6
Erik Öberg461070% 17
Mikael Carlsson11293547.57% 15
Per-Anders Edin204124871.31% 69
Mikael Elinder9184242.08% 35
Per Engström7272783.81% 13
Stefan Eriksson10214914.1% 25
Peter Fredriksson244325352.09% 87
Nils Gottfries113312001.64% 35
Georg Graetz6166934.15% 63
BERTIL HOLMLUND257321583.1% 53
Mounir Karadja352951.01% 32
Arizo Karimi7122052.84% 25
N. Anders Klevmarken10593552.2% 7
Torben K. Mideksa7182830.7% 16
Eva Mörk17409234.55% 40
Henry Ohlsson235817762.79% 46
Luca Repetto4121924.48% 17
Caroline Hall7212356% 13
Oskar Nordström Skans186111454.5% 49
Maximiliano Sosa Andrés48705.41% 6
Daniel Spiro8332378.85% 19
Helena Svaleryd13279030.88% 39
Karl Walentin10168731.24% 51

CitEc is a RePEc service, providing citation data for Economics since 2001. Last updated February, 4 2025. Contact: CitEc Team