Author citation profiles: National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER)

In this list are included authors with h-index greather than 3.
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Authorh-indexPapersCitesSelf citesCites year
Ajay K. Agrawal245334090.93% 154
Paul Beaudry3310749071.58% 140
Mark Joseph Bils255154840.63% 140
George Borjas60148189790.5% 395
alessandra casella226213904.07% 38
Andrew Caplin328044610.78% 106
Judith Chevalier223441240.36% 137
Frank Joseph Chaloupka, IV238028511.79% 83
Stephen Coate367579590.51% 215
David M. Cutler4315976440.96% 206
Dhaval M. Dave2110715235.17% 66
Walter Erwin Diewert3723980071.75% 151
William Easterly50118160990.41% 519
Robert F. Engle69183506510.19% 858
Raquel Fernandez236246690.6% 129
Daniel Feenberg163614580.95% 35
Edward Ludwig Glaeser72205281140.48% 851
Gita Gopinath307173700.61% 368
Austan Goolsbee234432790.76% 126
Robert J. Gordon3918568930.75% 116
Jonathan Gruber47166120640.72% 354
Gene Grossman51123220730.33% 513
Robert Hall52190217970.34% 403
Philip A. Haile162617521.74% 70
Judith K. Hellerstein173120070.79% 64
Michael D. Hurd3514545721.87% 89
Ted Joyce185311082.81% 29
Andrew C. Johnston6292723.2% 27
Larry E. Jones275836891.42% 108
Louis Kaplow258720542.19% 54
Peter Kuhn249525911.48% 58
Rasmus Lentz8178541.5% 35
Josh Lerner60227134410.9% 353
Hanno Lustig247432101.17% 94
Ulrike Malmendier324677440.39% 336
Gerald Roger Marschke, Jr.11294353.55% 16
Bruce D. Meyer389173920.73% 205
Jorn-Steffen Pischke3154111080.43% 336
Monika Piazzesi193351000.51% 221
James E. Rauch235266020.59% 173
Thomas Sargent64263171720.89% 306
David Scharfstein3453107890.19% 276
Antoinette Schoar326967930.37% 308
Martin Schneider257045440.81% 156
Steven M. Shavell369547500.73% 98
Joseph Stiglitz97606501480.46% 879
Amir Sufi305253880.39% 224
John A. Tauras12326352.01% 22
Sarah Elizabeth Turner194517010.93% 65
James R. Tybout246063690.66% 120
Eric van Wincoop3372111500.7% 348
Jeffrey Wurgler243771620.31% 298
Amir Yaron172931230.64% 111

CitEc is a RePEc service, providing citation data for Economics since 2001. Last updated February, 4 2025. Contact: CitEc Team