Author citation profiles: University of Cambridge. Judge Business School

In this list are included authors with h-index greather than 3.
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Authorh-indexPapersCitesSelf citesCites year
Jan Bouwens6312120.93% 11
Christos Genakos12329472.37% 52
Raphael James Heffron10315862.98% 48
Sinan Küfeoğlu58832.35% 41
Michael Kitson114110370.29% 28
Stephen Littlechild1610211403.88% 20
Kamiar Mohaddes215617736.04% 73
Raghavendra Rau204619950.7% 76
Robert A. Ritz12425675.97% 29
Thomas Roulet36662.94% 16
Pedro A C Saffi4133751.06% 17
Lucio Sarno4311084481.27% 312
Frédéric Schneider592670% 24
Simon Taylor35273.57% 2

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