Author citation profiles: International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)

In this list are included authors with h-index greather than 3.
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Authorh-indexPapersCitesSelf citesCites year
Kibrom A. Abay11313513.57% 43
Gashaw Tadesse Abate7353401.73% 48
Michelle Adato9304962.36% 33
Akhter U. Ahmed15737001.82% 21
Kamiljon T. Akramov7231314.38% 9
James Allen IV4142613.33% 2
Harold Alderman3414646601.06% 103
Kate Ambler8152134.05% 30
Channing Arndt2716826113.97% 93
Thomas Woldu Assefa520811.22% 7
Carlo Azzarri12575541.42% 26
Ousmane Badiane8642763.16% 8
Todd D Benson11895531.25% 20
Guush Berhane12534583.17% 32
Prapti Bhandary58870% 12
Ekin Birol12956383.92% 33
Jeffrey R. Bloem8352075.05% 41
Rosemary Botha313140% 2
Howarth Earle Bouis12417391.34% 18
Clemens Breisinger141155966.73% 39
Elizabeth Bryan10523042.25% 19
Kristin Elizabeth Davis9354022.19% 22
Alan de Brauw227719111.6% 95
Joachim De Weerdt186714363.23% 65
Eugenio Diaz-Bonilla8902245.49% 8
Paul Anthony Dorosh2013113444.07% 44
Jan Duchoslav328424.55% 5
Olivier Ecker14817002.78% 38
José Benjamin Falck Zepeda8663416.06% 11
Gian Nicola A. Francesconi7102132.29% 15
Sherwin Gabriel48691.43% 9
James Garrett10333411.73% 26
Daniel O. Gilligan156110250.97% 42
Beliyou A. Haile415881.12% 9
Derek Dewey Headey2414722202.93% 105
Manuel Alejandro Hernandez12766134.81% 27
Kalle Hirvonen15816493.85% 59
Melissa Lucia Hidrobo11246841.3% 76
Naureen Karachiwalla625960% 12
Nassul Kabunga5111833.17% 20
Oliver Kiptoo Kirui7492423.2% 17
Jawoo Koo10493820.52% 25
Katrina Kosec11665003.1% 25
Berber Kramer7472223.9% 24
Neha Kumar14587582.32% 47
Anjani Kumar141526477.97% 29
Sikandra Kurdi416442.22% 8
Jef L. Leroy421821.2% 3
Jessica Leight8593662.14% 26
Yanyan Liu14766063.81% 33
Man Li7261622.41% 10
Amy Margolies4161691.74% 14
Wim Marivoet336289.68% 1
Tsitsi Makombe318350% 2
Hazel Jean L. Malapit10344722.07% 22
Elena McCleery Martinez616702.78% 8
Abdullah Mamun45432.27% 21
Will J Martin3327451082.65% 121
Ruth S. Meinzen-Dick2415520152.33% 67
Nicholas William Minot2211317221.94% 45
Hina Nazli9442694.95% 9
Alejandro Nin Pratt14595852.66% 23
Ephraim Maduhu Nkonya197811832.79% 39
Babatunde Omilola37250% 3
Karl Pauw121325753.69% 27
Valeria Piñeiro420861.15% 3
Agnes Reynes Quisumbing3421842462.55% 108
Shahidur Rashid15758781.68% 38
Danielle Resnick14805181.71% 30
Claudia Ringler2219717082.01% 53
Gracie Lynn Rosenbach323313.13% 31
Richard D. Robertson11538332.69% 37
Sherman Robinson3529439523.33% 74
Marie T. Ruel1810310392.07% 31
Sunil Saroj6331414.08% 17
Emily Schmidt8532575.51% 19
خالد حسن علي صديق610616415.46% 10
Vinay Kumar Sonkar37290% 4
David J Spielman2016314263.78% 64
Timothy Sulser10447061.81% 30
Johan Swinnen4344567723.96% 205
Hiroyuki Takeshima1015142711.04% 26
Alemayehu Seyoum Taffesse2011214901.65% 49
Timothy Scott Thomas10744140.48% 16
John Mususa Ulimwengu9732773.48% 14
Bjorn Van Campenhout11734614.36% 24
Robert Peter Vos121134734.06% 11
Klaus von Grebmer10443391.17% 7
Fleur Wouterse7312424.35% 16
Stanley Wood11285122.48% 30
Hua Xie410784.88% 7
Liangzhi You1610312263.31% 58
Patricia Zambrano6321423.4% 5
Manfred Zeller197513861.42% 72

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