Author citation profiles: ifo Institut - Leibniz-Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung an der Universität München e.V.

In this list are included authors with h-index greather than 3.
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Authorh-indexPapersCitesSelf citesCites year
Rahel Aichele8277032.23% 87
Wolfgang Auer39573.39% 8
Maximilian Joseph Blömer642776.1% 8
Dorine Boumans65610710.08% 13
Martin T. Braml4255113.56% 8
Nina Czernich3216050.17% 37
Katrin Demmelhuber319257.41% 4
Mathias Dolls168710365.22% 69
Florian Dorn9792759.54% 25
Oliver Falck2817431712.52% 144
Anita Fichtl321493.92% 6
Clemens Fuest2845332854.76% 105
Yvonne Giesing6383462.81% 43
Christa Hainz12688242.49% 41
Michael Weber68712114.79% 13
Johannes Koenen6171032.83% 10
Franziska Pfaehler (Kugler)612845.62% 10
Robert Lehmann1217542817.37% 26
Philipp Lergetporer15447058.2% 100
Felix Leiss38253.85% 6
Simon Litsche39234.17% 4
Jana Lippelt31263828.3% 2
Sebastian Link116235610.55% 44
Luisa Dörr6368410.64% 8
Volker Meier13775457.16% 18
Justus Meyer38260% 3
Lukas Mergele4181164.92% 16
Mathias Mier72914315.88% 17
Chang Woon Nam78717113.2% 5
Wolfgang Nierhaus930937119% 10
Andreas Peichl3031434936.85% 183
Johannes Pfeiffer3202712.9% 2
Johanna Garnitz81232114.09% 15
Niklas Potrafke2928528938.39% 152
Panu Poutvaara2616021885.28% 87
Helmut Rainer188612713.79% 60
Tilmann Rave6291652.94% 11
Joachim Ragnitz102874797.88% 13
Stefan Sauer910429314.08% 20
Felix Schroeter39220% 3
Hans-Werner Sinn3744557652.67% 120
Anna Wolf8951712.29% 9
Johann Wackerbauer456698% 2
Katharina Werner114340213.55% 40
Christian Wittneben37540% 6
Anita Wölfl7353210.62% 12
Timo Wollmershäuser1920616583.44% 69
Ludger Woessmann44258116962.98% 449
Klaus Wohlrabe18396118113.29% 62
Markus Zimmer417751.32% 7

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