Author citation profiles: Kyoto University. Institute of Economic Research

In this list are included authors with h-index greather than 3.
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Authorh-indexPapersCitesSelf citesCites year
Masahito Ambashi3282422.58% 1
Masahisa Fujita297956910.68% 138
Haruo Imai414900% 2
Kazuo Mino10936189.65% 15
Satoshi Mizobata5309811.71% 4
Tomoya Mori124410243.85% 36
Jonathan Newton11283226.94% 29
Yoshihiko Nishiyama8363853.02% 13
Minoru Osawa4144315.69% 4
Tadashi Sekiguchi6172113.21% 11
Tadashi Shigoka6111301.52% 4
Akihisa Shibata12709873.99% 29
Shuhei Takahashi5176912.66% 5
Takashi Unayama6412005.21% 9
Makoto Watanabe73423913.09% 10

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