Author citation profiles: World Bank Group. International Bank for Reconstruction & Development (IBRD)

In this list are included authors with h-index greather than 3.
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Authorh-indexPapersCitesSelf citesCites year
Girum Abebe Tefera7362179.21% 18
Aziz Atamanov6601585.95% 9
Maurizio Bussolo169610032.81% 32
Tom Bundervoet12377151.38% 37
Otaviano Canuto141535488.51% 16
Xavier Cirera12524102.15% 19
Olivia D'Aoust36286.67% 4
Zelalem Yilma611964% 9
Ximena V. Del Carpio10192661.85% 22
Francesca de Nicola7332073.27% 12
Anton Dobronogov39446.38% 2
Thomas Farole13498041.11% 53
Norbert Fiess15369981.67% 47
Virgilio Galdo9261754.89% 8
Rami Galal36200% 2
Alvaro Gonzalez311460% 3
Delfin Sia Go12394544.82% 14
David M. Gould6469820.3% 36
Steve Loris Gui-Diby4182140.47% 16
Mariana Iootty7231420.7% 7
George Joseph8374030.74% 22
Florence Kondylis11314882.98% 27
Megumi Kubota6302525.26% 16
Angella Faith Montfaucon3141818.18% 2
Ezequiel Molina45440% 6
Daniel M. Mont10173251.81% 11
Silvia Muzi6131022.86% 8
Jan-Peter Olters39641.54% 4
Harun Onder5281714.47% 14
Utz Johann Pape6441523.8% 10
Lokendra Phadera39511.92% 7
Ragchaasuren Galindev4201194.8% 6
Iamele Rigolini133411710.34% 53
Laura Rodriguez Takeuchi34146.67% 1
Ashwini R Sebastian37273.57% 3
Lars Michael Sondergaard47450% 3
Emcet O. Taş3143211.11% 2
Ruslan G. Yemtsov10374711.46% 16
Salman Zaidi4152360.42% 12

CitEc is a RePEc service, providing citation data for Economics since 2001. Last updated February, 4 2025. Contact: CitEc Team