Author citation profiles: Inter-American Development Bank

In this list are included authors with h-index greather than 3.
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Authorh-indexPapersCitesSelf citesCites year
Irani Arraiz5152510.4% 17
M. Caridad Araujo10326771.02% 39
Martin Ardanaz8231862.62% 14
Marina Bassi312606.25% 4
Rosangela Bando6221523.18% 8
Onil Banerjee7381359.4% 11
Pedro G Bernal Lara35593.28% 4
Diether Wolfgang Beuermann9332942% 16
Samuel Berlinski12399961.48% 49
Juan Blyde8513173.06% 10
Cesar Patricio Bouillon5221091.8% 6
Mariano Bosch195614571.55% 63
Matias Busso134713270.6% 69
Agustina Calatayud36404.76% 6
Ana Calderon Ramirez5123740.8% 8
Eduardo Alfredo Cavallo197123981.92% 119
Amado Crotte33520% 52
Gustavo A. Crespi207915001.51% 51
Julian Cristia11375652.08% 37
Javier Díaz-Cassou8172023.81% 11
Suzanne Duryea125113701.72% 52
Gregory Elacqua524967.69% 5
Eduardo Fernandez-Arias156112502.5% 44
Jorge A. Gallego5308911% 4
Mario González Flores8161270.78% 10
Edwin Goni Pacchioni492580% 15
Bridget Hoffmann4112160.92% 36
Ana Maria Ibáñez15817064.08% 32
Alejandro Izquierdo175719851.64% 64
Raul Jimenez Mori313634.55% 5
David Scott Kaplan10185271.13% 32
Philip Keefer2411296340.45% 291
John León-Díaz410390% 2
Giulia Lotti418617.58% 7
Maria Mercedes Mateo-Berganza Diaz411303.23% 1
Sebastian Miller8352193.1% 13
Mauricio Mesquita Moreira8493272.68% 10
Ercio Andrés Muñoz Saavedra325394.88% 2
Carmen Pages237824441.89% 76
Santiago M. Perez-Vincent3152613.33% 6
Enrico Pinali451610% 80
Jose Claudio Linhares Pires35150% 0
Claudia Piras6161430.69% 6
María Pérez-Urdiales314541.82% 6
Alejandro Reveiz4215910.61% 4
Marisol Rodriguez Chatruc314250% 1
David Rosenblatt7181882.08% 6
Marta Rubio Codina10218592.28% 35
Inder jit Ruprah626814.71% 3
Julieth Santamaria3131033.74% 7
Lina Salazar511990% 11
Carlos G. Scartascini11975808.23% 32
Lynn Scholl6101194.03% 4
Tomas Serebrisky13495351.29% 25
Marco Stampini17577682.54% 38
Ernesto Stein227336551.24% 135
Luis Rodrigo Tejerina38850% 4
Oscar Mauricio Valencia3463618.18% 1
Fernando Vargas410553.51% 6
Christian Volpe Martincus17748994.56% 37

CitEc is a RePEc service, providing citation data for Economics since 2001. Last updated February, 4 2025. Contact: CitEc Team