Author citation profiles: Universität Mannheim. Abteilung für Volkswirtschaftslehre

In this list are included authors with h-index greather than 3.
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Authorh-indexPapersCitesSelf citesCites year
Klaus Adam225526593.31% 106
Philipp Ager13356143.91% 36
Cristina Bellés-Obrero391920.83% 3
Husnu C, Dalgic49540% 9
Peter Dürsch9332648.33% 13
Laura Grigolon5132422.02% 18
Andreas Gulyas5101374.86% 22
steffen habermalz38260% 2
Tanja Hennighausen491051.87% 15
Eckhard Janeba208312423.35% 38
Philip Jung9214344.41% 18
Tom Krebs11629704.15% 35
Andrei Matveenko391715% 1
Matthias Meier6151553.13% 15
Andras F. Niedermayer47328.57% 5
Volker Nocke204817512.12% 67
Henrik Orzen13208381.06% 39
Martin Peitz2817326793.81% 92
Christoph Rothe13257201.64% 40
Nicolas Schutz8172824.08% 16
Jan Simon Schymik5181255.3% 11
Mateus Souza510651.52% 10
Michele Tertilt245326242.34% 109
Thomas Troeger7262684.96% 7
Carsten Trenkler11405813.81% 25
Péter Vida517829.89% 4
Ernst-Ludwig von Thadden196119351.07% 56
Ulrich J. Wagner113211021.61% 47
Han Ye415387.32% 4

CitEc is a RePEc service, providing citation data for Economics since 2001. Last updated February, 4 2025. Contact: CitEc Team