Author citation profiles: University of Florida. Food and Resource Economics Department

In this list are included authors with h-index greather than 3.
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Authorh-indexPapersCitesSelf citesCites year
Damian C. Adams7461787.29% 8
James L. Anderson9412104.11% 4
Tatiana Borisova533448.33% 2
Christa D. Court4173913.33% 4
Carmen Diana Deere10395772.04% 12
Di Fang424394.88% 2
Zhifeng Gao111414518.89% 20
Marup Hossain311550% 2
Lisa House101443695.63% 12
Xinde Ji3112116% 3
Bachir Kassas523422.33% 4
Hayk Khachatryan76015010.71% 11
Charles B Moss111945236.27% 14
Conner Mullally6431283.03% 5
Gulcan Onel437584.92% 3
Andrew Ropicki310185.26% 1
Matthew Jude Salois5351081.82% 6
James L. Seale, Jr.141047154.16% 19
Ariel Singerman372016.67% 2
Thomas H. Spreen8893303.79% 7
Richard Niles Weldon3292710% 0
Weizhe Weng314185.26% 2

CitEc is a RePEc service, providing citation data for Economics since 2001. Last updated February, 4 2025. Contact: CitEc Team