Author citation profiles: Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City

In this list are included authors with h-index greather than 3.
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Authorh-indexPapersCitesSelf citesCites year
Jason P. Brown11625104.49% 28
Terri Renae Bradford530821.2% 3
Cortney Cowley315185.26% 2
Alison Felix5341422.07% 8
Joseph Gruber9206921% 34
Fumiko Hayashi9604316.71% 14
Nathan Kauffman325320% 2
Jesse Leigh Maniff316286.67% 3
Charles S. Morris9383220.92% 8
Jose Mustre-del-Rio536618.96% 4
Raluca Andreea Roman11345163.37% 57
Andrew Lee Smith8392422.81% 22
Chad R. Wilkerson347505.66% 1

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