Author citation profiles: Universiteit Gent. Faculteit Economie en Bedrijfskunde

In this list are included authors with h-index greather than 3.
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Authorh-indexPapersCitesSelf citesCites year
Johan Albrecht9232910.34% 12
Simon Amez393629.41% 7
Stijn Baert18116100114.3% 83
Brent Bleys7232245.08% 14
Kris Boudt15647423.64% 46
Tim Buyse411856.59% 9
Johan Rene Christiaens8502004.31% 8
Bart Leo Wim Cockx197210498.3% 36
Jasmien De Winne45797.06% 15
Sam Desiere7252923.31% 26
Selien De Schryder46780% 9
Gerdie Everaert16436553.39% 29
Yves Fassin11233291.5% 11
Michael Frömmel12613796.19% 15
Bert George310244% 4
Stijn Goeminne38533.64% 3
Niko Gobbin581161.69% 14
Freddy Heylen12524038.41% 11
Martien Lamers4164814.29% 3
Louis Lippens4201399.74% 34
Elien Meuleman341071.83% 26
Eline Moens3101167.94% 23
Klaas Mulier9225802.52% 48
Frank Naert38180% 0
Brecht Neyt5148515.84% 17
Eddy Omey14355583.63% 22
Yasin Kursat Onder3234915.52% 4
Gert Peersman315952021.94% 208
Thomas Present33118.33% 3
Ilse Ruyssen8244214.97% 32
Alice SOLDA412487.69% 8
Philippe Sterkens481167.2% 58
Dirk Van den Poel16938947.07% 35
Rudi Vander Vennet164816502.25% 55
Luc Van Ootegem8271695.06% 5
Hannah Van Borm44584.92% 19
Elsy Verhofstadt10462485.34% 11

CitEc is a RePEc service, providing citation data for Economics since 2001. Last updated February, 4 2025. Contact: CitEc Team