Author citation profiles: Government of the United States. Department of Agriculture

In this list are included authors with h-index greather than 3.
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Authorh-indexPapersCitesSelf citesCites year
Katherine Lynn Baldwin3151412.5% 0
Jayson Beckman141016495.94% 34
James Wesley Burnett10333342.05% 22
Andrea Christine Carlson8562037.31% 7
Alisha J. Coleman-Jensen20589581.24% 95
James Creese Davis8178060.62% 38
Erik Dohlman6401113.48% 4
Richard Alexander Dunn5242433.57% 18
Keith Owen Fuglie187310741.29% 33
Fred Gale13734603.36% 13
Jeffrey Morris Gillespie1215055012.56% 16
Christian A. Gregory5132161.82% 14
Benjamin M. Gramig7581374.86% 6
Joanne F. Guthrie11753653.18% 13
LeRoy Hansen10473923.69% 10
William Francis Hahn9622416.59% 6
Daniel M. Hellerstein188111341.99% 35
Kim C. Hjort3151710.53% 0
Sandra A. Hoffmann8371924.48% 7
Linwood Allen Hoffman7571792.72% 3
Chang Hong5131370% 8
Kuo S. Huang11475202.26% 14
Brent Hueth11664052.64% 15
Jeffrey Harold Hyman6142531.56% 31
Jordan William Jones4244513.46% 7
Phillip Robert Kaufman8432571.53% 9
Nigel Key2012719291.83% 74
Maurice Reiff Landes640865.49% 2
Olga Liefert517874.4% 4
Michael Livingston9382611.51% 16
Biing-Hwan Lin2016013192.73% 34
Kar Ho Lim419894.3% 8
Katherine Lim312280% 1
Steve W. Martinez8344502.6% 12
Karen Maguire627929.8% 5
William D. McBride16928053.13% 24
Lorraine Sharon Mitchell8232741.79% 13
Eric Njuki7281264.55% 12
Mark Nord18799842.86% 46
Michael Ollinger11803929.68% 14
Timothy A. Park121085903.59% 18
John Leonard Pender2613822012.74% 68
Daniel Pick15637190.28% 25
Katherine L. Ralston8524621.49% 12
Matthew P. Rabbitt16375922.47% 65
Brandon J. Restrepo6241203.23% 15
Marc Owen Ribaudo151107243.98% 20
Donna Roberts12344781.65% 17
Anil Rupasingha15578152.86% 31
Glenn D. Schaible7391663.49% 5
Saleem Shaik81052877.42% 11
Mathew Donald Shane7731655.17% 3
David M. Smallwood14755941.49% 15
Agapi L. Somwaru1512810792.26% 29
Spiro Stefanou2211412162.72% 30
Mariah D. Tanner Ehmke8441514.43% 7
Abebayehu Tegene185610412.71% 35
Laura Tiehen8381692.87% 8
Simla Tokgoz166616791.7% 79
Jessica Erin Todd15736772.17% 37
Dylan Turner317318.82% 7
Sun Ling Wang11593453.9% 14
Paul C. Westcott10563513.84% 9
Marca Weinberg6231660.6% 7
Hodan Wells4201481.33% 18
Steven Zahniser9582642.22% 9
Eliana Zeballos532739.88% 9

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