Author citation profiles: Ekonomski Institut Zagreb

In this list are included authors with h-index greather than 3.
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Authorh-indexPapersCitesSelf citesCites year
Zoran Aralica423616.15% 3
Valerija Botric5441061.85% 5
Tanja Broz420546.9% 3
Jelena Budak630818.99% 4
Bruno Škrinjarić4195410% 5
Andrea Mervar6211334.32% 6
Sonja Radas513741.33% 5
Edo Rajh5384314% 2
Ivica Rubil312309.09% 3
Marina Tkalec5226310% 5
Maruška Vizek8341996.57% 12

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