Author citation profiles: Australian National University. College of Business and Economics

In this list are included authors with h-index greather than 3.
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Authorh-indexPapersCitesSelf citesCites year
Alison Lee Booth3813567281.68% 177
Markus Brueckner2310621453.16% 126
Evan Michael Calford313816.9% 5
Elena Gabriela Capatina412743.9% 7
Sheung Chi Chow6131112.63% 13
Yijuan Chen5154217.65% 3
Ashley Cooper Craig410492% 3
Robert George Gregory168012871.08% 26
Simon Grant1910613215.1% 38
Timo Henckel416609.09% 2
Fedor Iskhakov10232113.65% 11
Timothy Chan Yoke Kam6371431.38% 6
Cagri Seda Kumru8292314.94% 15
Sephorah Mangin69727.69% 4
Martine Mariotti5321652.37% 7
Xin Meng349431911.82% 113
Kieron Meagher8332354.08% 8
Maria Racionero9292976.01% 11
Martin Richardson9554403.51% 11
Jose Alvaro Rodrigues Neto5317313.1% 3
Kailing SHEN9193063.77% 19
Graeme Donald Snooks3833122.5% 0
Chung Tran113731910.64% 16
Glenn Alexander Withers5462211.34% 4
Thomas Tao Yang571701.73% 24
Nabeeh Ibrahim Zakariyya35303.23% 10

CitEc is a RePEc service, providing citation data for Economics since 2001. Last updated February, 4 2025. Contact: CitEc Team