Author citation profiles: Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis. Research Division

In this list are included authors with h-index greather than 3.
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Authorh-indexPapersCitesSelf citesCites year
subhayu bandyopadhyay141387456.76% 26
Aleksander Berentsen218115515.25% 57
Alexander Bick124412003.07% 70
Serdar Birinci6421176.4% 10
YiLi Chien97636810.46% 20
Cletus C. Coughlin1611214223.66% 35
Riccardo DiCecio10466031.79% 31
Bill Dupor177114501.89% 50
Maximiliano Ariel Dvorkin7465702.9% 51
Miguel Faria-e-Castro9535242.78% 40
Carlos Garriga159211155.75% 42
William Thomas Gavin141126715.76% 18
Charles Stephen Gascon61041110.89% 6
Victoria Gregory3291083.57% 18
Aakash Kalyani311402.44% 10
Kevin L. Kliesen102526093.49% 19
Julian Kozlowski6402674.64% 24
Oksana Leukhina11483115.18% 17
Fernando Leibovici9663186.19% 22
Fernando M. Martin10633667.81% 17
Michael McCracken217732861.47% 121
Diego Mendez-Carbajo3381818.18% 0
Alexander Monge-Naranjo11637383.66% 35
Christopher Neely3115638522.31% 124
Michael T. Owyang2414626642.84% 115
Serdar Ozkan10449542.45% 59
B Ravikumar2211528321.8% 83
Paulina Restrepo-Echavarria9512413.98% 12
Juan M. Sanchez1511910305.16% 49
Ana Maria Santacreu10814147.17% 21
Guillaume Vandenbroucke12866245.31% 27
David Wheelock2415122513.51% 62
Scott A. Wolla461436.52% 3
Mark Wright156313803.16% 46
Christian Zimmermann12666988.28% 19

CitEc is a RePEc service, providing citation data for Economics since 2001. Last updated February, 4 2025. Contact: CitEc Team