Author citation profiles: Paris School of Economics

In this list are included authors with h-index greather than 3.
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Authorh-indexPapersCitesSelf citesCites year
Joseph Moussa Abdou3223434.62% 1
Bénédicte Apouey10586697.47% 41
Luc Arrondel1818110564.69% 30
Patrick Aubert7342762.47% 13
Cyprien Batut414479.62% 11
Luc Behaghel177410322.92% 49
Emeline Bezin45630% 21
Thomas Blanchet8124773.05% 79
Francis Bloch239525961.82% 89
François J. Bourguignon4121187130.67% 174
Catherine Bobtcheff523892.2% 4
Antoine Bozio151327984.43% 42
Ekrame Boubtane104830411.37% 25
Thomas Breda14576011.96% 42
Tobias Broer7252286.17% 12
Carmen Camacho10204314.86% 28
Lucas Chancel142714622.14% 162
Edouard Challe15598034.63% 40
Mireille Chiroleu-Assouline94738511.49% 11
Andrew Clark51232150192.26% 429
fabrizio coricelli2210119892.6% 58
Jean-Pierre Danthine258317661.34% 42
Hippolyte d'Albis1417256620.62% 26
Antoine d'Autume7741782.73% 4
Gabrielle Demange1910920042.34% 47
Anne-Célia Disdier237126811.72% 116
Franz Dietrich169567412.69% 29
Nicolas L. DROMEL7182161.82% 19
Fabrice Etilé159210212.48% 42
Marc Fleurbaey3224146633.18% 141
Francois Fontaine12459071.41% 43
Mouez Fodha13596975.94% 25
Philippe Gagnepain10303785.97% 18
Stephane Gauthier75513420.24% 5
Pierre Yves Geoffard13778223.18% 27
Jérémie Gignoux112912661.17% 66
Laurent Gobillon249348562.47% 211
Julien Grenet11578201.2% 51
irena grosfeld16429212.33% 25
Guesnerie Roger2413524411.01% 49
Nina Guyon7213540.84% 32
Marc Gurgand208423111.37% 67
Pierre-Cyrille Hautcoeur8882572.65% 8
Jean-Olivier Hairault1510211655.05% 36
Camille HEMET5202963.58% 22
Jonas Heipertz38474.08% 9
Georges Vivien HOUNGBONON618942.08% 10
Philippe Jehiel3012130204.31% 91
Sylvie Lambert12546224.16% 18
Ariane Lambert-Mogiliansky13684976.75% 19
Jean-François Laslier1916712868.21% 40
Mael Lebreton416793.66% 6
François Libois512806.98% 7
Karen Macours268417353.56% 64
Antonin Macé5217717.2% 5
Eric Maurin2812326361.82% 75
David N. MARGOLIS178432381.19% 95
André Masson8602232.62% 4
Katrin Eleonora Millock14486411.23% 22
Carine Milcent911244810.58% 17
Antonela Miho57580% 11
Eric Monnet96425210.95% 14
Helene Ollivier72217910.95% 12
Mathieu Parenti12306973.6% 49
Thomas Piketty55174164831.16% 515
Gilles Postel-Vinay10606881.43% 16
Hillel Rapoport3414269262.33% 238
Angelo Riva5388013.98% 4
Victor Saldarriaga312654.41% 5
Gilles Saint-Paul3226444791.99% 127
Katheline Schubert12864977.28% 12
Angelo Secchi225218761.93% 81
David Spector9453090.32% 12
Elena Stancanelli17798925.81% 29
Akiko Suwa-Eisenmann10494560.44% 13
Jean-Marc Tallon209017485% 48
Jean-Philippe Tropeano8311240% 5
Oliver Vanden Eynde51216710.22% 20
Thierry A. Verdier4620792621.5% 272
Augustin Vicard412490% 5
Bernard Walliser7421362.16% 2
Bertrand Wigniolle84720916.06% 6
Liam Wren-Lewis9283026.21% 18
Ekaterina Zhuravskaya349250692.39% 211
Gabriel Zucman297367381.35% 396

CitEc is a RePEc service, providing citation data for Economics since 2001. Last updated February, 4 2025. Contact: CitEc Team