Author citation profiles: University of Wisconsin-Madison. Economics Department

In this list are included authors with h-index greather than 3.
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Authorh-indexPapersCitesSelf citesCites year
Simeon D. Alder310644.48% 7
Andres Aradillas-Lopez7172873.69% 16
P. Dean Corbae217120661.81% 52
Louphou Coulibaly47323.03% 4
Lukasz A. Drozd6142760% 17
Charles Engel47141106241.31% 252
Edgar L Feige166813521.82% 26
Bruce E. Hansen3978185020.17% 596
John Kennan193717710.84% 39
Rasmus Lentz8178541.5% 35
Corina Mommaerts6191231.6% 7
Martin O'Connell13305674.55% 40
Kim Ruhl194118482.27% 88
John Karl Scholz224727960.71% 96
Laura Schechter143113531.1% 61
Ananth Seshadri163517460.63% 69
xiaoxia shi14247002.91% 53
Lones Smith176317440.97% 38
James R. Walker111815480.19% 59
Kenneth D. West33106184580.35% 473
Marek Weretka7175400.92% 38
Barbara L. Wolfe2812330351.08% 61

CitEc is a RePEc service, providing citation data for Economics since 2001. Last updated February, 4 2025. Contact: CitEc Team