Author citation profiles: University College Dublin. School of Economics

In this list are included authors with h-index greather than 3.
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Authorh-indexPapersCitesSelf citesCites year
Constantin Rudolf Salomo Bürgi4243120.51% 2
Eoin Corrigan35444.35% 22
Ronald Davies2211422114.45% 92
Paul J. Devereux317263751.86% 255
Kevin John Denny13865827.18% 18
Alan de Bromhead6181662.92% 13
Benjamin Elsner9214754.43% 36
Amélie Guillin34841.18% 84
Stefanie Alexandra Haller13416281.88% 34
Christopher Jepsen13476574.78% 25
Fabrice Kampfen412791.25% 9
Kanika Kapur6252533.8% 10
Catarina de Moura Pinto Marvao410365.26% 4
Ciarán Mac Domhnaill36310% 6
Cormac Ó Gráda132358036.84% 14
Ivan Pastine7301769.28% 6
Sarah Parlane420444.35% 1
Oana Peia5181314.38% 13
Aisling J. Reynolds-Feighan11502657.99% 7
Lisa Ryan11394002.91% 19
Margaret Samahita315263.7% 2
Nora M. Strecker3111212.42% 10
Zuzanna Studnicka5181932.53% 48
Frank Walsh11455413.74% 15
Patrick Paul Walsh137410274.29% 29
Karl T. Whelan238623972.92% 70
Ciara Whelan62310814.29% 7

CitEc is a RePEc service, providing citation data for Economics since 2001. Last updated February, 4 2025. Contact: CitEc Team