Author citation profiles: Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). Economics Department

In this list are included authors with h-index greather than 3.
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Authorh-indexPapersCitesSelf citesCites year
Alberto Abadie3046145840.19% 502
Daron Acemoglu110363639930.5% 1777
Nikhil Agarwal10194231.86% 30
George-Marios Angeletos338454751.19% 228
David Atkin152614122.01% 100
Abhijit Banerjee63178195640.58% 528
Martin Beraja7143890.77% 43
Ricardo J Caballero61153141991.06% 373
Victor Chernozhukov49186102552.68% 427
Marco Di Maggio10276930.43% 46
Peter A. Diamond50158136270.35% 223
Esther Duflo56109255130.26% 944
Amy Finkelstein398464741.18% 258
Drew Fudenberg56193145481.01% 264
Rachel Glennerster113021560.14% 102
Jonathan Gruber47166120640.72% 354
Colin Travis Gray46611.61% 5
Jerry A. Hausman55126221950.28% 435
Bengt Holmstrom3758164060.1% 390
Simon Jäger11245793.02% 52
Paul Joskow4112259560.73% 114
Mohit Karnani39309.09% 3
Stephen Morris4117186092.4% 239
Whitney Newey52141266870.32% 606
Benjamin Olken356476270.61% 317
Parag Pathak338247801.69% 239
Vincent Rollet47283.45% 5
Nancy Lin Rose183116080.86% 41
Frank Schilbach7134250.7% 53
James M. Snyder, Jr.224324100.37% 68
Joonas Tuhkuri311505.66% 5
Alexander Wolitzky12405531.25% 36
Christian K. Wolf10167691.16% 109

CitEc is a RePEc service, providing citation data for Economics since 2001. Last updated February, 4 2025. Contact: CitEc Team