Author citation profiles: University of California-Santa Cruz (UCSC). Economics Department

In this list are included authors with h-index greather than 3.
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Authorh-indexPapersCitesSelf citesCites year
George Bulman9133273.54% 46
Peter Anton Christensen9232551.92% 18
Yin-Wong Cheung4017764252.9% 194
Michael Dooley2510636581.08% 76
Carlos Dobkin182118360.49% 122
Daniel Friedman2915534082.15% 75
K.C. Fung14575962.93% 22
Laura M. Giuliano11177671.16% 42
Grace Weishi Gu411972.02% 8
Galina Hale218914063.5% 74
Michael Mercier Hutchison3014036351.89% 113
Natalia Lazzati33530% 17
Michael Leung7171595.92% 17
Kristian Lopez Vargas313400% 2
Justin Marion10226851.86% 26
Pascal Michaillat143211643.32% 83
Sanchita Mukherjee37490% 4
Ryan Oprea15376842.56% 38
Jonathan Robinson193827531.36% 172
Hikaru Saijo59787.14% 4
David Schönholzer37257.41% 3
Ajay Shenoy6141123.45% 7
Nirvikar Singh1714525993.09% 64
Alan Spearot7181981.98% 15
Gerelt Tserenjigmid57803.61% 8
Carl Walsh2615448940.99% 113
Jeremy West6134501.32% 40
Dong Wei36484% 9
Donald Wittman145612660.31% 24

CitEc is a RePEc service, providing citation data for Economics since 2001. Last updated February, 4 2025. Contact: CitEc Team