Author citation profiles: European Commission. Directorate-General Economic and Financial Affairs (ECFIN)

In this list are included authors with h-index greather than 3.
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Authorh-indexPapersCitesSelf citesCites year
Pierfederico Asdrubali7236342.31% 21
Elva Bova9183240.31% 24
Christian Buelens510881.12% 5
Giuseppe Carone11193771.31% 18
Gaetano D'Adamo420397.14% 3
Francisco de Castro Fernández11355593.29% 25
Игорь Федотенков54011610.77% 9
Gabriele Giudice6101870.53% 10
Luigi Giamboni34440% 2
Atanas Hristov6251321.49% 9
Áron Kiss9282773.48% 18
Zenon Kontolemis8143100.64% 12
Gábor Kátay9202554.49% 13
Martin Larch13385552.8% 17
Cristiana Manescu Belu591200% 8
Philipp Mohl8273222.13% 16
Plamen Nikolov314296.45% 2
Marga Peeters7562168.86% 8
Philipp Ludwig Pfeiffer62211410.94% 12
András Rezessy39440% 2
Matteo Salto11304112.84% 14
Michael Stierle312821.2% 3
Anna Elisabeth Thum-Thysen10373971.98% 30
Bořek Vašíček154510171.93% 67
Janos Varga11343318.06% 19
Hauke Vierke35472.08% 11
Lukas Vogel16788698.24% 45
Goran Vukšić8282012.9% 9
Florian Wöhlbier6111893.08% 11
Stefan Zeugner9204821.23% 37

CitEc is a RePEc service, providing citation data for Economics since 2001. Last updated February, 4 2025. Contact: CitEc Team