Author citation profiles: Wellesley College. Department of Economics

In this list are included authors with h-index greather than 3.
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Authorh-indexPapersCitesSelf citesCites year
Ama Baafra Abeberese581400% 11
Kristin F. Butcher144211901.57% 36
Courtney Coile175216601.6% 63
Joseph P. Joyce12364893.55% 13
Patrick J. McEwan14257981.6% 27
Seth Neumuller49515.56% 5
Sari Pekkala Kerr236619692.04% 75
Casey Rothschild11374993.85% 26
Gauri Kartini Shastry7143820.78% 18
Olga Shurchkov10153561.93% 25
Daniel Sichel225444350.69% 126
Susan Skeath4102210.9% 7

CitEc is a RePEc service, providing citation data for Economics since 2001. Last updated February, 4 2025. Contact: CitEc Team