Author citation profiles: Vanderbilt University. Department of Economics

In this list are included authors with h-index greather than 3.
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Authorh-indexPapersCitesSelf citesCites year
Jeremy Atack14626112.86% 12
Brian Beach9243182.45% 28
Adam Blandin5232203.51% 22
Eric W. Bond229517941.91% 41
William J. Collins18668364.24% 30
John Conley14736445.99% 19
Andrew F. Daughety217211472.71% 25
Robert A. Driskill11493901.76% 9
Benjamin Eden9734418.7% 10
Federico H. Gutierrez35650% 21
Carolyn Heinrich13467223.22% 31
Kevin X.D. Huang158410274.29% 42
Atsushi Inoue297034841.33% 112
Tong Li184111122.03% 42
Kathleen McKiernan35260% 4
Andrea Moro12367502.34% 25
Mattias K Polborn165511192.27% 43
Jennifer Reinganum297536140.85% 84
Joel Rodrigue6196190.8% 30
Peter Rousseau2311827832.49% 92
Yuya Sasaki11722908.23% 20
Kamal Saggi2810432832.32% 126
John J. Siegfried2119615122.58% 28
Lesley Jeanne Turner12294034.5% 22
W Kip Viscusi4428476351.45% 159
John Allan Weymark2110724432.16% 53
Myrna Wooders2217017977.56% 39

CitEc is a RePEc service, providing citation data for Economics since 2001. Last updated February, 4 2025. Contact: CitEc Team