Author citation profiles: University of Western Ontario. Department of Economics

In this list are included authors with h-index greather than 3.
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Authorh-indexPapersCitesSelf citesCites year
Roy Allen3155713.64% 9
Audra J. Bowlus14429472.57% 35
David F. Burgess8292542.68% 5
Elizabeth Caucutt12258132.75% 36
Tai-Yeong Chung7123980.25% 28
timothy guy conley213346110.37% 170
James Byron Davies228519021.71% 41
Maria Goltsman682951.34% 26
Juan Carlos Hatchondo134011183.37% 74
Nail Kashaev313428.7% 10
David Laidler1921614111.6% 24
James Clark Leith429484% 0
Lance Lochner276665581.44% 242
Charles Olivier MAO TAKONGMO3143131.11% 4
Rory McGee6116313.7% 10
Nirav Mehta521758.54% 6
James R. Melvin9514130.48% 12
Salvador Navarro122716341.45% 77
Sergio Ocampo6221695.59% 13
Gregory Pavlov8133402.3% 42
Michael Parkin10524750.84% 10
Ananth Ramanarayanan5134260.23% 26
David A. Rivers8133961.25% 24
Chris M. Robinson13407882.11% 18
Terry Sicular114510692.02% 28
Peter Alfred Streufert5391977.51% 5
Todd R. Stinebrickner194720512.89% 78
Ralph Stinebrickner153214812.5% 38
John Whalley3133153122.73% 110
Stephen Williamson248128682.08% 75
Charles Zheng7253463.89% 15

CitEc is a RePEc service, providing citation data for Economics since 2001. Last updated February, 4 2025. Contact: CitEc Team