Author citation profiles: University of Texas-Austin. Department of Economics

In this list are included authors with h-index greather than 3.
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Authorh-indexPapersCitesSelf citesCites year
Jason Abrevaya183914240.35% 54
Daniel Ackerberg142634640.46% 144
Manuela Angelucci184016731.82% 72
Peter Bergman12294073.33% 45
Valerie R. Bencivenga101716940.12% 73
Saroj Bhattarai13278922.62% 59
Carola Conces Binder13387773.12% 86
Svetlana Boyarchenko106426113.58% 10
Christoph Emanuel Boehm8165642.08% 56
Scott E. Carrell173524691.08% 129
Olivier Coibion357379751.46% 419
Stefano Eusepi195213961.48% 66
Wayne Geerling4404812.73% 4
Sukjin Han6221543.75% 9
Trenton Herriford36603.23% 7
Brendan Kline5172002.44% 12
Victoria Marone47350% 5
Richard Murphy11294485.08% 14
Nitya Pandalai-Nayar10237422.24% 82
Oliver Pfäuti46404.76% 8
Dean Spears13284962.94% 55
Ann Huff Stevens254029820.83% 106
Dale O. Stahl, II216527180.91% 77
Caroline D. Thomas613706.67% 7
Stephen J. Trejo194214902.99% 42
Thomas Wiseman9272270.87% 9
Jay Zarnikau13585826.43% 16

CitEc is a RePEc service, providing citation data for Economics since 2001. Last updated February, 4 2025. Contact: CitEc Team