Author citation profiles: Universidade de São Paulo. Faculdade de Economia, Administração e Contabilidade

In this list are included authors with h-index greather than 3.
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Authorh-indexPapersCitesSelf citesCites year
Dante Mendes Aldrighi311230% 2
Denisard C. O. Alves5131721.71% 15
Laura Carvalho8362583.01% 16
Rodrigo De-Losso5531609.6% 8
André Luis Squarize Chagas5561396.71% 8
Renato Perim Colistete419446.38% 1
Maria Dolores Montoya Diaz3301818.18% 0
Eduardo Amaral Haddad1024755016.67% 19
Danilo Igliori550694.17% 4
Fabio Kanczuk10295552.8% 25
Gilberto Tadeu Lima141476737.93% 21
Claudio Ribeiro Lucinda3351360.73% 6
Marcio Issao Nakane9333692.89% 16
Fernando Antonio Slaibe Postali4261253.1% 6
Mauro Rodrigues523750% 3
Fabiana Rocha425650% 4
David Turchick312596.35% 3

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