Author citation profiles: Barcelona School of Economics (BSE). Universitat Pompeu Fabra

In this list are included authors with h-index greather than 3.
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Authorh-indexPapersCitesSelf citesCites year
Larbi Alaoui341340% 19
Jose Apesteguia174412743.26% 55
Benito Arruñada99140514.01% 10
Albert Banal-Estanol13364555.41% 28
Christian T. Brownlees143522630.96% 125
Paula Bustos71317270.63% 115
Albert Carreras536633.08% 1
Rodrigo Carril354511.76% 7
Andrea Caggese11245164.09% 22
Xavier Cuadras-Morató4257812.36% 3
Jésica de Armas416690% 5
Davide Debortoli12295364.8% 29
Joan de Martí Beltran7102392.85% 19
Jan Eeckhout196627051.89% 96
Mircea Epure9172073.72% 12
Walter Garcia-Fontes7203570.83% 16
Teresa Garcia-Mila7176251.57% 20
Fabrizio Germano10314716.55% 19
Albrecht Glitz152021101.08% 140
Libertad Gonzalez155611582.61% 55
Priit Jeenas34190% 9
Sergi Jimenez-Martin1413470610.86% 23
Humberto Llavador7263236.1% 12
Andreu Mas-Colell328762560.37% 133
Geert Mesters8231962.49% 15
Massimo Motta238830381.62% 75
Joan Monras10296844.2% 76
Rosemarie Chariklia Nagel225129311.08% 112
Maria Petrova152719051.6% 119
helena perrone56770% 15
Francisco Peñaranda38694.17% 17
Barbara Rossi338043342.06% 197
Alain Schlaepfer33140% 1
Sandro Shelegia6201654.07% 12
Eva Ventura4131202.44% 6

CitEc is a RePEc service, providing citation data for Economics since 2001. Last updated February, 4 2025. Contact: CitEc Team