Author citation profiles: University of Kent. School of Economics

In this list are included authors with h-index greather than 3.
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Authorh-indexPapersCitesSelf citesCites year
Nizar Allouch104433910.32% 14
Amrit Amirapu6111540.65% 19
Alastair StJohn Bailey9503774.07% 16
Irma Clots-Figueras122610252.19% 56
William Collier5111001.96% 5
Sophia Davidova171049934.34% 31
Robert Weston Fraser1012136914.39% 9
Iain Fraser1810210224.84% 35
Amanda Gosling10207980.87% 36
Adelina Gschwandtner9472905.54% 11
Wei Jiang49330% 2
Hans-Martin Krolzig183816811.41% 84
Andrey Launov10174233.2% 23
Fernanda Leite Lopez de Leon49882.22% 4
Mahreen Mahmud5121060.93% 9
Bansi Malde7151437.14% 11
Anirban Mitra4121724.44% 19
Penélope Pacheco-López6141263.82% 12
John Douglas Peirson8312902.36% 7
Werner Pena36484% 12
Matloob Piracha13438403.89% 36
Aubrey Poon8402408.4% 10
Anthony Nicholas George Savagar371924% 2
Katsuyuki Shibayama513513.77% 4
Christian Siegel6183029.31% 27
Roger Vickerman189315331.16% 29
Zaki Wahhaj11403527.61% 15
Alpo Willman166415303.35% 43

CitEc is a RePEc service, providing citation data for Economics since 2001. Last updated February, 4 2025. Contact: CitEc Team