Author citation profiles: University of California-San Diego (UCSD). Department of Economics

In this list are included authors with h-index greather than 3.
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Authorh-indexPapersCitesSelf citesCites year
James Andreoni43105163590.41% 442
Kate L. Antonovics9145580.53% 27
Richard T. Carson329950820.72% 127
Jeffrey P. Clemens186713235.5% 77
Vincent P. Crawford286666930.61% 142
Julie Berry Cullen162515890.81% 56
Gordon B. Dahl205232721.27% 121
Songzi Du571580% 17
Fabian Eckert10182583.73% 36
Graham Elliott255683550.2% 232
Joseph Engelberg182729750.2% 175
Melissa Famulari351430.69% 5
Carlos Góes615786.02% 9
Roger H. Gordon3511344401.29% 88
James Hamilton52103220160.27% 536
Sara Lowes5163350.89% 37
Mark Machina163220000.3% 60
Katherine Meckel5141150.86% 7
Karthik Muralidharan214024421.45% 128
Marc-Andreas Muendler163620422.62% 102
Paul Niehaus12179470.53% 55
Tommaso Porzio7141941.02% 17
Valerie Ann Ramey397999330.41% 248
James E. Rauch235165700.59% 172
Maxim Sinitsyn5136210.14% 4
Joel Sobel204238210.13% 127
Yixiao Sun16529044.24% 50
Emanuel Vespa7161731.7% 9
Joel Watson195022392.18% 67
Johannes Wieland13238170.49% 58
Kaspar Wüthrich8252394.78% 21
Steve Pak Yeung Wu571261.56% 18

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