Author citation profiles: University of California-Irvine. Department of Economics

In this list are included authors with h-index greather than 3.
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Authorh-indexPapersCitesSelf citesCites year
David R. Agrawal10433259.47% 17
Vellore Arthi7142061.9% 18
Dan Bogart10402527.35% 13
William A. Branch173017491.07% 116
Jan K. Brueckner5017582641.4% 175
David Brownstone174616601.43% 44
Jean-Paul Carvalho8132032.87% 14
Michael Choi6121570.63% 22
Damon Clark11159240.22% 46
John Duffy3215933222.09% 103
Matthew Freedman14337171.78% 31
Michelle R Garfinkel145213352.84% 40
Olga Malkova512926.12% 9
Michael McBride12319031.74% 50
Greta Meggiorini342212% 5
Fabio Milani174313893.54% 77
David Neumark57291116722.06% 307
Emily Greene Owens10244951.79% 33
Priyaranjan Jha177112842.13% 44
Ashish Rajbhandari351191.65% 14
Gary Richardson14705886.67% 19
Guillaume Rocheteau257726142.35% 62
Stergios Skaperdas258135842.05% 108
Eric T. Swanson326264041.05% 266

CitEc is a RePEc service, providing citation data for Economics since 2001. Last updated February, 4 2025. Contact: CitEc Team