Author citation profiles: University of Chicago. Department of Economics

In this list are included authors with h-index greather than 3.
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Authorh-indexPapersCitesSelf citesCites year
Ufuk Akcigit327544822.01% 235
Stéphane Bonhomme204920061.76% 111
Benjamin A Brooks8163208.83% 40
Leonardo Bursztyn202931280.35% 208
David Coble315410% 2
ManasI Deshpande7103531.12% 8
Joshua W. Deutschmann35510% 5
Michael Dinerstein6122430.82% 22
Fulya Y Ersoy35214.55% 4
Mikhail Golosov276335001.24% 159
Michael Greenstone438598330.72% 378
Michael Graber472300.86% 14
Lars Peter Hansen51131233760.38% 508
James J. Heckman114381709210.56% 1338
Alejandro Hoyos5111392.11% 12
Ali Hortacsu318039431% 164
Juanna Schrøter Joensen7164373.1% 24
Greg Warren Kaplan296447781.32% 191
Michael Kirker46871.14% 6
Michael Kremer47139127290.63% 410
Thibaut Lamadon9106761.31% 67
Steven Levitt51105106720.6% 395
Magne Mogstad3510351991.52% 259
Guillermo Moloche594020.74% 17
Derek Neal142125220.2% 109
Susanne Neckermann12349823.54% 57
Pablo A. Peña312613.17% 4
Gina Christelle Pieters4111221.61% 8
Doron Ravid4121181.67% 29
Philip J. Reny255520390.59% 56
Esteban Rossi-Hansberg367263571.62% 276
Azeem M. Shaikh195316022.79% 80
Robert Shimer296678650.35% 291
Max Tabord-Meehan415976.73% 12
Pietro Tebaldi7111501.32% 10
Felix Tintelnot112310881.36% 68
Alexander Torgovitsky12245241.5% 40
Harald Uhlig46153120450.96% 334
Alessandra Voena122110591.58% 66

CitEc is a RePEc service, providing citation data for Economics since 2001. Last updated February, 4 2025. Contact: CitEc Team