Author citation profiles: University of Alberta. Department of Economics

In this list are included authors with h-index greather than 3.
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Authorh-indexPapersCitesSelf citesCites year
Dana C. Andersen391144.2% 14
Brendon Patrick Andrews36313.13% 2
Vera Brencic414743.9% 4
David Paul Brown94622617.22% 22
Marco Brianti59600% 12
Chetan Dave7296561.8% 32
Noxy K. Dastoor416586.45% 2
Andrew Eckert11365923.27% 26
Sebastian Fossati511385% 2
Valentina Galvani4215817.14% 3
Haifang Huang13287901.86% 49
Claudia M. Landeo72715615.22% 9
Corinne Langinier10342896.77% 10
Stuart Landon10334102.61% 13
Andrew Leach8272532.32% 13
Charles Robin Lindsey229427132.23% 73
Joseph Marchand10213864.46% 20
Andrew D. McGee7182543.79% 21
Jeffrey Penney3132016.67% 1
Ashantha Ranasinghe599810.91% 8
Ashutosh Sarker58535.36% 2
Malik Shukayev10272595.47% 16
Mesbah Fathy Sharaf6337817.02% 3
Constance Smith10284472.19% 14
Richard Todd Smith9294161.19% 14
Xuejuan Su8223892.75% 20
Rick Szostak332228.33% 0
Beyza Ural Marchand6192816.95% 12
Douglas S. West8343652.41% 10
Yingfeng Xu714872.25% 5
Zhang Jingchao34581.69% 5

CitEc is a RePEc service, providing citation data for Economics since 2001. Last updated February, 4 2025. Contact: CitEc Team