Author citation profiles: Stanford University. Department of Economics

In this list are included authors with h-index greather than 3.
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Authorh-indexPapersCitesSelf citesCites year
Ran Abramitzky153212721.17% 66
Adrien Auclert122011821.66% 131
Kyle Bagwell3410151871.95% 144
B. Douglas Bernheim47115119130.51% 277
Luigi Bocola9216831.87% 62
Levi Boxell6105890.34% 147
arun gautham chandrasekhar14285931.98% 49
Gabriele Cristelli35330% 5
Benjamin Davies310362.7% 5
Mark Duggan266226911.46% 117
Liran Einav338138131.57% 173
Avner Greif226047790.48% 136
Robert Hall52190217970.34% 403
Caroline Hoxby315852960.64% 211
Ravi Jagadeesan37469.8% 23
Matthew O. Jackson53171104480.91% 274
Mordecai Kurz175712321.68% 25
Paul Milgrom47113232410.24% 505
Melanie Morten8163391.17% 17
Petra Persson11218660.92% 72
Monika Piazzesi193351000.51% 221
Luigi Pistaferri357063020.88% 225
Alvin Roth52171125921.04% 262
Martin Schneider257045440.81% 156
Isaac Sorkin91414200.49% 157
Gavin Wright158214610.48% 27

CitEc is a RePEc service, providing citation data for Economics since 2001. Last updated February, 4 2025. Contact: CitEc Team