Author citation profiles: University of Sheffield. Department of Economics

In this list are included authors with h-index greather than 3.
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Authorh-indexPapersCitesSelf citesCites year
Sarah Brown2314016204.2% 55
Mark L Bryan133813700.8% 65
Blessing M. Chiripanhura415731.35% 5
Subhasish Modak Chowdhury15648217.34% 15
Andrew Peter Dickerson195213560.8% 43
Georgios Efthyvoulou8213133.4% 19
Jesse Alan Matheson520886.38% 7
Steven McIntosh15469862.38% 41
Jolian Peter McHardy5411469.32% 5
Kostas Mouratidis8332443.17% 9
Luisanna Onnis47765% 5
Juan Paez-Farrell6251253.1% 6
Gurleen Popli7241474.55% 7
Vito Polito82616210% 8
Matthew D. Rablen93825311.54% 14
Jennifer Roberts208213292.42% 41
Cristina Sechel4113913.33% 5
Karl Taylor2110313734.85% 50
Bo Tang4116110.29% 6
Christoph Thoenissen12217473.24% 35
Nicolas Van de Sijpe691993.4% 9
Bert G.M. Van Landeghem7213372.03% 21
Enrico Vanino4211071.83% 8
Emily J. Whitehouse36323.03% 5
Peter William Wright185614690.68% 48

CitEc is a RePEc service, providing citation data for Economics since 2001. Last updated February, 4 2025. Contact: CitEc Team