Author citation profiles: Purdue University. Mitch Daniels School of Business

In this list are included authors with h-index greather than 3.
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Authorh-indexPapersCitesSelf citesCites year
Yong Bao9493733.12% 18
Timothy N. Bond8153602.96% 30
Jillian B. Carr791381.43% 27
Timothy Neal Cason3312240931.94% 120
Joshua C.C. Chan236916574.27% 87
Mario John Crucini215727922.55% 90
Melanie Fox336180.16% 309
David Gill163415311.42% 72
Aaron Hedlund7152272.58% 37
David L. Hummels275478700.4% 245
Mohitosh Kejriwal9195932.47% 37
Stephen Martin13618471.97% 21
Timothy J. Moore7183891.27% 9
Kevin J. Mumford9285571.42% 32
Victoria Prowse143514391.57% 71
Julian Romero471000% 20
Yaroslav Rosokha514774.94% 9
Miguel Alonso Sarzosa611740% 6
Anson Soderbery9164082.63% 27
Jeffrey Stokes7441503.23% 5
Chong Xiang132611570.77% 50
Xuewen Yu35493.92% 24
Cathy M. Zhang6111824.71% 18
Ben Zou7122480% 22

CitEc is a RePEc service, providing citation data for Economics since 2001. Last updated February, 4 2025. Contact: CitEc Team