Author citation profiles: University of Pittsburgh. Department of Economics

In this list are included authors with h-index greather than 3.
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Authorh-indexPapersCitesSelf citesCites year
Daniel Berkowitz196613282.5% 28
Arie Beresteanu7156390.93% 31
James Cassing10452582.27% 5
Daniele Coen-Pirani10323980.75% 17
David Danz7141911.55% 11
Andreas Ferrara5182360.42% 16
Osea Giuntella16496276.7% 44
Rania Gihleb5131551.27% 15
Douglas Hanley8137580.79% 68
Steven Husted9375521.78% 17
David Huffman265389570.59% 426
Laura Liu6134822.63% 53
Lester Robert Lusher62911710.69% 13
Sofia Moroni36234.17% 1
Thomas George Rawski134910861.09% 19
Jean-Francois Richard218822201.38% 45
Luca Rigotti12239161.29% 36
Marla Ripoll12434655.1% 15
Allison Shertzer9202953.28% 19
Gabriel Tourek34540% 18
Richard Van Weelden11192741.79% 17
Lise Vesterlund305566830.54% 257
Randall Phillip Walsh195618180.98% 72
Stephanie Wang9136240.16% 52
Alistair Wilson11344761.45% 31

CitEc is a RePEc service, providing citation data for Economics since 2001. Last updated February, 4 2025. Contact: CitEc Team