Author citation profiles: Université d'Ottawa. Département d'Économie

In this list are included authors with h-index greather than 3.
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Authorh-indexPapersCitesSelf citesCites year
Gamal Atallah6361696.11% 6
Pierre Roy Brochu6131408.5% 7
Abel Brodeur195717194.39% 132
Serge Coulombe15535974.17% 16
Rose Anne Devlin9593785.5% 10
Catherine Deri Armstrong4114161.19% 18
Yazid Dissou10484942.95% 17
Guidon Fenig310634.55% 6
Jason Garred492030% 20
Patrick Georges7369612.73% 3
David M. Gray6504431.99% 13
Gilles Grenier7523375.34% 8
anthony giles heyes217713811.36% 49
LOUIS HOTTE6151416% 5
Lilia Karnizova6163851.79% 22
Marc Lavoie2725328651.44% 68
Paul Makdissi128847414.9% 17
Myra Mohnen592090.48% 20
Louis-Philippe Morin8172113.65% 17
Roland Pongou106331014.6% 19
Aggey Semenov6261887.84% 9
Leslie Shiell415654.41% 5
Jean-François Tremblay11313833.04% 15
Myra Yazbeck7261767.85% 11

CitEc is a RePEc service, providing citation data for Economics since 2001. Last updated February, 4 2025. Contact: CitEc Team