Author citation profiles: New York University (NYU). Department of Economics

In this list are included authors with h-index greather than 3.
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Authorh-indexPapersCitesSelf citesCites year
Jess Benhabib46138107870.8% 234
Jaroslav Borovička9162544.51% 16
Andrew Caplin327944140.79% 105
David Cesarini214014401.1% 68
Sylvain Chassang10244971.39% 33
William Easterly50118159520.41% 514
Raquel Fernandez236246210.6% 128
Christopher Flinn224424741.67% 54
Alfred Galichon217118832.44% 134
Douglas Gale4112279980.61% 150
Mark Gertler55117424440.22% 943
Simon Gilchrist3362132080.5% 400
Boyan Jovanovic41129131750.48% 292
Ricardo Lagos194732881.62% 121
Alessandro Lizzeri223623050.56% 74
Sydney C. Ludvigson325374700.61% 266
Laurent A. Mathevet9152591.15% 17
Guido Menzio205817944.57% 99
Antonio Merlo227418953.71% 65
Virgiliu Midrigan195428031.02% 140
Cecilia Parlatore517845.62% 6
Debraj Ray4214375600.9% 180
Farzad Saidi482030% 12
Thomas Sargent64263170600.91% 310
andrew schotter3312639700.7% 81
Sharon Traiberman591135.83% 10
Giovanni Luca Violante377191340.52% 338
Orestis Vravosinos351852.12% 61

CitEc is a RePEc service, providing citation data for Economics since 2001. Last updated December, 8 2024. Contact: CitEc Team